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Educational Video Production

When you want to engage people and help them learn.

What is educational video content, and why should you use it?

Educational video content is valuable, informative, and shareable material that establishes you and your company as experts in your field. This could include behind-the-scenes looks at how your product is made, animated infographics, or videos on current industry trends. You can also transform popular blog posts and common questions into educational videos. If it's something your audience would find useful, it’s a great candidate for video. Any industry can benefit from educational video content. Whether it's a guide on understanding financial trends or tips for effective time management, educational content can help expand your audience and improve your search rankings on relevant topics.

What makes for a great educational video production?

  • Informative and useful
  • Clear in its messaging
  • Simple and easy to follow
  • Engaging with lively talking heads or characters
  • Short, ideally 1-2 minutes long

When and how should you use educational video content?

Educational videos are great for creating awareness and establishing trust at the beginning of the customer journey. They aren't intended to directly sell a product or service. Instead, they work best for engaging people on social media or when strategically included in your blog as part of your long-form and short-form content marketing strategy.

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testimonial image
The ability to quickly understand and adapt to the company branding was impressive.

Diane Bizzle - Director of Outreach, Brainfuse

How does Moonb create educational video content?

If you already know what topic you want to cover, that's great. Moonb will take your content and figure out the best way to present it. This usually involves collaborating with your team's experts to craft a clear and engaging message. For instance, the concept might be an animated owl explaining renewable energy or one of your product managers discussing how your software improves productivity. If you only have a general idea of what to teach, Moonb can suggest several concepts.

How do you gauge the effectiveness of educational video content?

The best way to measure success for educational videos is by checking engagement metrics such as views, likes, shares, and the traffic directed to your website or blog. Ultimately, the goal is to offer valuable content that fosters trust.

What are the benefits of using educational videos for your business?

Using educational videos helps you become an industry authority, address pain points, increase brand visibility, and boost lead generation and conversion. By sharing valuable content, you build trust, attract a wider audience, and guide potential customers toward making a purchase.

What exactly is an educational video?

Educational videos are a powerful tool for sharing valuable insights, showcasing expertise, and engaging with your audience. They turn FAQs and popular blog posts into dynamic content, helping you position your brand as a knowledgeable authority. By using educational videos, you can broaden your reach, increase engagement, and improve your search rankings in any industry.

Related Video Examples

Have Questions?

Can you handle the entire process?

Of course! We smoothly manage your project from the initial idea to the final publication. We take care of writing, visuals, animation, voiceover, editing, sound, branding, and more. You can participate as much as you like or let us handle everything. We'll make sure your content is perfect for any platform that supports videos.

What does the onboarding process look like?

Once you subscribe, you will receive an email within a few minutes containing two essential links. The first link directs you to our production platform where you can access all your videos and request reviews. The second link takes you to your customer portal to manage your subscription. Your dedicated video team will contact you immediately to schedule a first call, during which we'll gather all the necessary information to get started. We'll then create a content strategy plan and begin working on your productions. We will develop a content calendar with precise deliverables and a review process. You can be as involved as you wish or leave it entirely in our hands.

Are there any refunds if I don't like the service?

If your dedicated team has started work on your designs or videos before you decide to cancel, you won't be eligible for a refund.

Will I have the working files? What about ownership of the work?

Absolutely, you'll receive the working files, and you'll own all the intellectual property created.

Do you offer annual payments?

We offer annual payments equivalent to $4,500 per month. Get in touch with our team to receive a custom link.

Who will be my point of contact?

As soon as you sign up, you'll be assigned a dedicated video team, supervised by a Creative Director who will be your main point of contact. You will be onboarded to our production platform, where you can oversee the entire process and manage each video production.

Do you sign non-disclosure agreements?

Absolutely, your privacy matters to us. We can offer you our standard Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA), or you are welcome to provide your own.

How hard is it to cancel a subscription?

Not hard at all, we keep things simple: no documentation or extensive process is involved and you can cancel at any point in time. Just log in to your Moonb account and you can cancel with just a few clicks. Need a hand with this? No worries. You can request assistance via email or directly to your dedicated team.