15 Best Practices For Video Marketing

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October 18, 2024
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Lorenzo Nicolini image
Lorenzo Nicolini

Creating video content can feel overwhelming. You might have a vision for your project but need to figure out how to turn that idea into a finished video. It’s easy to get lost in the details and forget about the bigger picture—your video marketing goals. What do you want your audience to know, feel, or do after watching your video? Before starting any video content creation project, it’s a good idea to research best practices for video marketing. 

This will help you outline your video’s content, structure, and style to ensure you create a piece that resonates with your target audience and achieves your goals. In this blog, we’ll cover the best practices for video marketing to help you create effective video content that engages your audience and meets your business objectives.

Moonb is a video marketing agency that can help you learn about and implement these best practices. Our team of experts can guide you through the video content creation process and optimize your video for marketing success.

The Importance of Video Marketing

man recording a video - Best Practices for Video Marketing

Video Marketing Encourages Social Sharing

Video content is one of the most engaging types on social media. Social platforms like YouTube and TikTok are built around video, while others like Instagram and Facebook increasingly focus on video content. Even on platforms like Twitter, tweets with videos see ten times more engagement. This level of interaction encourages users to share videos, amplifying your reach organically. 

Video Boosts SEO, Conversions, and Sales

Adding video to your website can improve SEO by increasing page quality and encouraging visitors to spend more time on the page. Additionally, video content has been shown to generate leads and boost conversions. Over 83% of video marketers report that video has helped them increase lead generation, while 31% use it to enhance their SEO efforts. Videos are also invaluable for sales teams, offering personalized communication with prospects and helping close deals through better engagement.

Video Appeals to Mobile Users

With the rise of mobile usage, video content has become even more crucial. According to a Statista study, 77% of video consumption happens on smartphones and tablets. Mobile devices make it easy for users to watch video content anywhere, anytime, making it essential for businesses to create mobile-friendly video marketing campaigns. 

Video Educates and Builds Trust

Video is a powerful tool for educating audiences. Video content is excellent for building trust with potential customers, whether how-to videos, product demos, or customer testimonials. More than 30% of users prefer instructional or educational videos, while others look for authentic, relatable content. Authenticity often trumps high production value, which is one reason influencer marketing has seen such rapid growth.

Related Reading

10 Best Practices For Video Marketing

employees on a laptop - Best Practices for Video Marketing

1. Create a Posting Schedule

Viewers expect regular content updates, so it’s essential to think of your videos in terms of campaigns instead of posting videos randomly. Think of stories you can tell and break them into multiple parts, posting a new weekly update. You can also follow video marketing trends to see what other people post. After establishing your videos’ content, create a publishing schedule. 

Establishing and maintaining a consistent posting schedule will encourage your audience to return for more videos. You can also space your videos over time and use them to lead viewers to a big product launch or exciting announcement. Implement new campaigns according to your posting schedule to keep your audience engaged in your content. Posting consistent, helpful video content will also help establish your business as a leader in your industry. 

2. Include Tutorials and Demos

With video marketing, you can create content demonstrating your products’ use. If someone has questions about your products or services, they can view your videos before purchasing. Tutorials and demos can ease customers’ concerns and help them feel confident about buying a particular product or service. This will help to convert more of your site visitors into satisfied customers. 

3. Tell Stories

If you’re like me, you love good stories that reel you in and keep you on the edge of your seat. Incorporating stories into your video content is a great way to improve viewer engagement. Rather than simply introducing your company, mission, and products, look for ways to tell stories with your videos. How does your company impact your clients? Are you making a difference in the community? Develop your story, and use videos to share it with your audience.

4. Show Your Personality

Your videos are a great chance to showcase your company culture. People don’t want to watch boring videos. They are more likely to watch engaging videos and are full of personality. Consider what sets your business apart, and highlight that in your videos. Don’t waste time creating videos that don’t do your company justice.

5. Incorporate Customer-Generated Content

People love seeing themselves in videos, so why not make your customers the stars of the show? You can encourage them to create videos while using your products and services and post them to your social media profiles and website. When people see themselves in the videos, they will likely share them with friends and family. And every time someone shares one of your videos, your brand will gain exposure in the newsfeeds of a broad audience.

6. Don’t Forget Calls to Action

Don’t forget to include calls to action in your videos. If you want someone to visit your website or follow you on social media, let them know. If someone is speaking in the video, they can easily instruct viewers to take a desired action. You can also include text in your videos that links to your website and encourages viewers to check it out for more information. 

Customers might enjoy your video, but if they have yet to learn what to do after they watch it, you may be wasting time and money. Adding a call to action is simple and can spark conversions that may never have otherwise happened.

7. Distribute Your Videos on the Right Platforms

Choosing the right multichannel marketing platforms is critical to ensuring your content reaches your intended audience — and gets the most visibility and engagement possible. First, you’ll need to know where your audience spends their time online. Think about all stages of the customer journey here. Platforms like LinkedIn or industry-specific forums might be ideal for deep-dive video content. 

Still, depending on your audience, you may also want to use YouTube, Instagram, TikTok, or Facebook to ensure your most important thought leadership videos have a broad reach. Your website is also a crucial distribution channel for video content. Include various video types on your site, from short product demos on your homepage to gated video content like on-demand webinars.

8. Get Eyes on Your Videos

Once your videos are distributed across the right platforms, the next step is promoting them to increase visibility and attract a larger audience. Did you know that Google indexes YouTube videos? So when someone searches for your brand and a particular phrase, you can show up multiple times in the exact search. To optimize your videos, you can include keywords in your video descriptions. 

You can also add shortened links with calls to action that encourage people to visit your website or a landing page with a special offer. You can also take advantage of YouTube’s tagging feature, which determines the relevance of your videos and groups similar videos together. This will help your video appear related when viewers watch identical content.

9. Employ Creative Visuals with Animation

Animated videos can be particularly effective in explaining complex concepts simply and engagingly. Utilizing creative visuals like animation can boost viewer engagement by 40%, making abstract or complex ideas more accessible and understandable. Animated videos are also highly shareable, increasing your reach and presence in digital spaces. 

Whether you’re explaining a technical product or introducing a new service, animated videos can enhance the clarity and appeal of your message.

10. Evaluate Success

To create successful video marketing campaigns, you have to understand and evaluate the effectiveness of your video marketing strategies. Many video hosting sites include analytics and can give you an idea of how your videos perform. You can use these analytics to analyze metrics such as the number of times a video is played and the percentage of visitors who clicked the play button. 

You can integrate your videos on your site and monitor the results with Google Analytics. This will enable you to get the same level of insight with your videos as all other content on your site. Video has gained tremendous momentum in the marketing world, and it’s not expected to lose traction shortly.

5 Best Practices For Video Marketing For Social Media

man on a laptop - Best Practices for Video Marketing

1. Viewers Watch Videos Without Sound  

Not everyone who comes across your video will click play, and of those who do, a large portion won’t even bother to turn on the sound. This is particularly true on social media, where videos auto-play silently, and audiences tend to scroll through feeds quickly. To engage these viewers who are watching without sound, start your videos with action to grab attention. Also, try to include text or captions so viewers can follow along with or without audio.  

2. Short Videos Are Best

The most popular videos on social media vary in length by platform. While some strategies call for a longer video, shoot your video in a way that makes it easy to break into more bite-sized pieces. This will help you get more traffic and engagement from your video marketing.  

3. Grab Attention Fast

When you’re posting to social media, your video content competes with a lot of information on the screen. If your viewers watch from their mobile devices, there’s even more competition. So, it’s a good idea to get into your content quickly and to make it clear what your video is about in the first 8-10 seconds.  

4. Shoot Video That Works on Many Different Screen Sizes  

Compose each shot for various screen dimensions and shapes as you shoot your video. For example, your audience can watch a widescreen video on their mobile phone while scrolling on Facebook or LinkedIn. Still, the same video might cut off crucial visual information if posted as an Instagram story.  

5. Adapt Videos to Different Social Media Channels  

One aspect to consider in the video pre-production process is where you will share your content. Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, and other social media channels have distinct requirements. By adapting your content to each platform, you can grow your reach. And improve the viewer experience.  

11 Types Of Marketing Videos To Create

man editing a video - Best Practices for Video Marketing

1. Animated Videos and their Engaging Storytellers

Animated videos capture attention and tell stories in a unique way that appeals to broad audiences. Instead of featuring live actors, animated videos illustrate ideas and concepts using graphics. When companies turn to this production type to create animated informational videos, they typically get to choose between various styles:

  • 2D Character Animation: This simple and versatile artistic style relies on two-dimensional characters and scenes. 
  • 3D Character Animation: This more complex style creates a dynamic and immersive experience by adding depth and volume to characters and environments.
    Vector Animation is a clean, sleek style that relies on computer-generated vector graphics. It is also scalable, maintaining quality regardless of size changes. \

When planning animated video projects, consider that costs vary depending on the animation style and video length. This direct length-budget relationship is because each frame in animation must be individually created and designed by artists. Longer videos naturally require more extensive work and resources.

2. Brand Videos, Telling Your Story

A brand video, called an “About Us” video, focuses on telling a brand’s story rather than promoting a specific product or service. Brand videos can connect emotionally with potential customers and build brand awareness. They effectively showcase the brand’s values, mission, and personality and can help establish a unique brand identity. 

To create a successful brand video, it’s essential to focus on storytelling and emotion rather than creating a sales pitch. The video should have a straightforward narrative that connects with the viewer and communicates exactly what the brand is about. 

3. Product Videos: Showcasing Your Offerings

A product video is a type of marketing video that showcases a product or service in action, highlighting its features and benefits. It can be used to introduce a new product or service, educate potential customers on how to use it, or persuade them to purchase. Product videos effectively capture the viewer’s attention and visually demonstrate the product or service. 

To create a successful product video, focusing on the product’s unique selling points and highlighting how it solves a problem or addresses a need is essential. The video should also be visually engaging, using high-quality footage and creative storytelling to keep the viewer locked in. Incorporating customer testimonials or endorsements can also help build credibility and trust with potential customers. Keeping the video concise and to the point is crucial, quickly conveying the product’s key benefits.

4. Explainer Videos and the Clarity Through Visuals

An explainer video is designed to explain a product, service, or idea clearly and engagingly. It is often animated and combines visuals, voiceover, and text to convey complex information in a simple and easy-to-understand format. Explainer videos are best used to introduce a new product or service or better understand how an existing product or service works. Highly technical industries, such as software companies, typically find the most success with these types of marketing videos. 

Explainer videos should be structured to guide the viewer through the information logically and intuitively, helping them fully understand the product or service being explained. Furthermore, they can be a valuable tool for building brand awareness and establishing thought leadership, as explainer videos can help position a brand as an expert in their field and showcase their unique value proposition.

5. 360° and Virtual Reality Videos: Immersive Experiences

According to Google research, 360-degree video ads have higher click-through rates and 41% more views, shares, and subscribers than regular video ads. They enable viewers to explore a location or product from every angle.

For example, real estate agencies use this format to showcase apartments or houses in an immersive way. Customers can virtually walk through each room, see the floor plans, and imagine themselves living there. 

6. User-Generated Content (UGC): Authentic Contributions

UGC involves user content, like reviews, testimonials, or product usage videos. UGC is a potent tool for conveying authenticity and credibility. Encouraging real customers to share their experiences creates highly relatable content that can influence potential customers.

7. Testimonial Videos and Building Trust with Authentic Voices

Testimonial videos feature real customers sharing their experiences and opinions about a product or service. Testimonial videos can be highly effective at building trust and credibility with potential customers, as they provide authentic perspectives on the brand’s offerings. They are often used as a form of social proof, helping to demonstrate the value of a product or service through the words of satisfied customers. 

To create a successful testimonial video, it’s essential to identify the right customers to feature and ask the right questions to elicit meaningful responses. The video should tell a story through the customer’s experience, highlighting the specific benefits and outcomes they have achieved from using the product or service. Testimonials are a great way to increase sales and create brand advocates who will share their love of your brand across their networks.

8. How-to Videos: Educating Your Audience

How-to videos show viewers how to accomplish a specific task or solve a problem using your product or service. Also called tutorials, these educational videos often include step-by-step walkthroughs with instructions. This format works as either long-form or short-form video. On average, how-to videos should be less than 20 minutes.

9. Video Podcasts and Engaging Discussions

Video podcasts are discussions or interviews with a video component. They're episodes in a series, which can include dozens or hundreds of pieces of content on a specific topic. Podcasts can include any combination of hosts and guests. 

10. Case Studies, The Real-Life Solutions

Case studies are videos that feature interviews with customers or clients. Also called customer stories, they explore the real problems your customers face and position your product or service as the solution. Potential customers often relate to these videos, which makes them helpful for attracting leads.  

11. Social Media Videos, Short, Sweet, and Shareable

Social media videos appear on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn. They're typically short-form videos (under 90 seconds) optimized for mobile viewers. They can include anything from interviews and behind-the-scenes content to tips and promotions.

Related Reading

How Do I Market My Video?

woman thinking - Best Practices for Video Marketing

Owned Media: Take Control of Your Video Marketing Distribution

Owned media refers to the platforms and marketing channels that your organization or brand controls. This includes your website, blog, and social media profiles. Utilizing owned media allows video creators to control how and where their content is presented. It’s a valuable space for:

  • Hosting video production services
  • Creating a branded experience
  • Engaging with your existing audience

Earned Media: Let Your Videos Do the Talking 

Earned media involves the organic exposure and brand visibility your high-quality content gains through: 

  • Word-of-mouth
  • Social sharing
  • Online mentions

When individuals or groups find your content compelling, informative, or entertaining, they willingly endorse it by sharing it with their networks on: 

  • Social media channels
  • Forums
  • Blogs

These organic recommendations and discussions can significantly expand your video’s reach and impact, reaching a broader and more diverse audience than you might achieve through owned or paid media alone.

Paid Media: Supplement Your Video Marketing Strategy with Ads 

Paid media involves investing in advertising to promote your content. Social media channels like Instagram and Facebook increasingly emphasize video, offering robust ad targeting options for reaching specific audiences. Other platforms like YouTube and TikTok have always prioritized video content, making them fertile ground for earned media through:

  • Likes
  • Shares
  • Comments

Related Reading

  • Best Video Production Companies
  • Video Production Team
  • Video Marketing Companies
  • How to Choose a Video Production Company
  • Video Editing Companies
  • Unlimited Video Design Services
  • Video Animation Services
  • Motion Graphics Studios
  • Video Production Trends
  • Video Editors for Hire

Start a 3-day Free Trial to Take Your Content to the Next Level

Video marketing uses video to promote your: 

  • Brand
  • Products
  • Services

There are many types of video marketing, such as: 

You can create a video for just about anything, and they all help improve your business in different ways. For instance, product videos can help boost sales by giving buyers the information they need to purchase. 

Testimonials build trust with potential customers and can be integrated into your website and other marketing materials. Explainer videos help improve audience understanding of complex subjects and can be used for both marketing and educational purposes. There are endless possibilities when it comes to video marketing. The more you create, the more you can improve your business. 

How to Create a Video Marketing Strategy

Before you start creating videos, it helps to develop a clear video marketing strategy. This will help you focus your videos and align them with your business goals. Here are some steps to follow to create a video marketing strategy. 

Define Your Goals

Start by outlining your video marketing goals. For example, you can improve brand awareness, increase sales, or enhance audience understanding of a topic. 

Identify Your Target Audience

Next, pinpoint who you’ll be targeting with your video content. This will help you create more personalized, relevant videos that resonate with your viewers. 

Choose a Video Type

There are many different types of video marketing content. Determine which ones will help you achieve your goals and resonate with your target audience. 

Create and Optimize the Video

Once you’ve defined your goals, identified your audience, and selected a video type, it’s time to create your video. Remember to optimize it for search to improve its visibility. 

Promote Your Video

Finally, share your video with the world. Promote it on your website, blog, and social media channels. You can also leverage paid advertising to boost visibility and reach your target audience. 

The Benefits of Video Marketing

Video marketing is one of the most effective digital marketing strategies available today. Here are some of the benefits of using video to promote your business. 

Boosts Audience Engagement

Videos are proven to boost engagement. For example, adding a video to your website can increase conversions by up to 80%. Videos on social media also get significantly more engagement than posts with images or text. 

Improves SEO

Video can also help improve your SEO. Including video on a webpage makes it 53 times more likely to rank on the first page of Google. Videos help increase users’ time on your site, which signals to Google that your page has helpful content. 

Builds Trust

Video marketing also helps build trust with your audience. Creating videos that address your customers’ pain points and answering their questions helps establish credibility and authority. These videos can even feature real customers (testimonials) to boost authenticity. 

Easy to Share

Videos are also straightforward to share. You can post them on social media, embed them on your website and blog, and even send them in email marketing campaigns. 

Captures Attention

Videos are fantastic for capturing the audience’s attention. They can hold users’ interest far better than written content. Studies show that humans have an attention span of about eight seconds. Videos can effectively increase audience attention and help you communicate your message before they lose interest.

Table of Content

Have Questions?

How successful is video marketing?

Video marketing is absolutely one of the best investments you can make for your brand! It captures attention like no other medium, keeping your audience engaged and eager to learn more. Plus, it often delivers a fantastic return on investment (ROI), making it a smart choice for any business. In a world where social media is dominated by video content, using it effectively can help you connect with your audience in a memorable and impactful way. Don't miss out on this powerful tool to elevate your marketing strategy!

How much do marketing videos typically cost?

Marketing videos can be very expensive, especially with traditional agencies, where costs can reach $20,000 to $40,000 per minute. With moonb, we offer a flat monthly cost that provides you access to a dedicated team focused on delivering high-quality videos quickly and efficiently, making the process more budget-friendly while still maintaining exceptional standards.

Is there a limit to revisions during the process?

There are no limits to revisions during the process. We want to make sure you’re completely satisfied with the final product, so we’ll work with you until it meets your expectations.

How long does the marketing video production process take?

The marketing video production process can vary widely depending on the brief. For short-form packages, it might take just a few days, while more complex advanced animations could require a few weeks to ensure quality and attention to detail.

How long should my marketing video be?

For most marketing videos, aim for a length of 30 to 90 seconds. This duration is typically enough to engage viewers while conveying your key message effectively. However, depending on the content and platform, some videos can be longer, so consider your audience's attention span and the context of your message.

Can you handle the entire process?

Of course! We smoothly manage your project from the initial idea to the final publication. We take care of writing, visuals, animation, voiceover, editing, sound, branding, and more. You can participate as much as you like or let us handle everything. We'll make sure your content is perfect for any platform that supports videos.

What does the onboarding process look like?

Once you subscribe, you will receive an email within a few minutes containing two essential links. The first link directs you to our production platform where you can access all your videos and request reviews. The second link takes you to your customer portal to manage your subscription. Your dedicated video team will contact you immediately to schedule a first call, during which we'll gather all the necessary information to get started. We'll then create a content strategy plan and begin working on your productions. We will develop a content calendar with precise deliverables and a review process. You can be as involved as you wish or leave it entirely in our hands.

Are there any refunds if I don't like the service?

If your dedicated team has started work on your designs or videos before you decide to cancel, you won't be eligible for a refund.

Will I have the working files? What about ownership of the work?

Absolutely, you'll receive the working files, and you'll own all the intellectual property created.

Who will be my point of contact?

As soon as you sign up, you'll be assigned a dedicated video team, supervised by a Creative Director who will be your main point of contact. You will be onboarded to our production platform, where you can oversee the entire process and manage each video production.

Do you sign non-disclosure agreements?

Absolutely, your privacy matters to us. We can offer you our standard Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA), or you are welcome to provide your own.

How hard is it to cancel a subscription?

Not hard at all, we keep things simple: no documentation or extensive process is involved and you can cancel at any point in time. Just log in to your Moonb account and you can cancel with just a few clicks. Need a hand with this? No worries. You can request assistance via email or directly to your dedicated team.