A Complete Guide On Brand Awareness Videos (18 Tips & Best Practices)

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October 11, 2024
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13 minutes
Lorenzo Nicolini image
Lorenzo Nicolini

Imagine scrolling through social media and seeing a video that stopped you. You weren't even looking for anything related to that topic, but the video was so engaging that you couldn’t help but click. Before long, you were watching a brand awareness video. Not only did you learn something new, but you also felt a connection to the brand behind the video. This scenario is a perfect example of why brand awareness videos matter. As part of video content creation, they help businesses introduce themselves to their target audiences, even before any money exchanges hands. 

If you’re eager to learn about brand awareness videos and how to create one, you’ve come to the right place. This article will discuss what exactly these videos are and how they can help you grow your business. We’ll also share tips for creating compelling brand awareness videos to get you noticed. 

With a video marketing agency, Moonb by your side, you won’t have to go it alone. We can help you create a brand awareness video that meets your goals and resonates with your audience.

What is Brand Awareness?

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Brand awareness can be explained as consumers knowing your brand's name or recognizing your brand’s logo or imagery. It means your brand has enough of a presence in cultural or social consciousness that people are familiar with what you do or provide. 

Brands that successfully generate brand awareness on a global scale are often so familiar that their brand names enter the popular lexicon. Who hasn’t said they will “Google” something when they mean they’ll use an internet search engine? Who doesn’t reach for a Band-Aid when looking in the medicine cabinet for a bandage? 

What Makes Brand Awareness Important? 

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Brand awareness is the most essential and first step in buying. Without brand awareness, the consumer will typically not consider your brand for purchase. There are rare cases (e.g., impulse buying or some lower engagement categories) where a purchase can occur without prior brand knowledge. Still, increasing brand awareness will reduce your reliance on consumers finding you by chance. Instead, you’ll develop brand awareness campaigns to draw customers to you on purpose. 

Brand awareness helps your brand reach potential customers' top minds when they purchase. After all, a strong brand is essential, but to grow your business, you need consumers to know about it. Brand awareness is critical because it helps foster trust, allows brands to tell their stories, and builds brand equity with consumers.

What’s the Relationship Between Brand Awareness and Brand Value?

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According to a 2022 global survey from Statista, 5 out of 10 consumers said they would be willing to spend extra for a brand with an image that appealed to them. “In 2022, the aggregate value of the world’s 100 most valuable brands increased by over 22% and reached a record $8.7 trillion,” according to Statista. “By comparison, this figure stood at around $5 trillion just two years earlier.”

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Let’s Get Familiar: What is A Brand Awareness Video?

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Brand awareness videos introduce your brand to a broader audience and ensure people remember you. Think of them as the first handshake or a friendly wave that gets people to notice your business. The goal isn’t necessarily to sell something immediately but to tell a story, showcase what your brand stands for, or get your name out there in a way that sticks. These videos are often light on hard selling and more focused on making an impression. 

They can be anything that gives people a sense of who you are and why you matter. It can be:

  • A fun explainer video
  • Behind-the-scenes footage
  • Even a customer testimonial

You want viewers to walk away feeling like they know your brand, or at least they’re intrigued enough to want to know more. What makes brand awareness videos effective is their ability to be shared across social media or passed around by word of mouth. They’re engaging, often emotional, and designed to make a lasting impact. So, whether it’s a quirky ad or a heartfelt message, brand awareness videos are your way of making that initial connection with potential customers memorable.

Moonb Can Help You Introduce Your Brand

Moonb is a video marketing agency offering unlimited video editing subscriptions. We offer seamless project management integration via:

  • Trello
  • Slack
  • MS Teams 

We also have weekly strategy calls and a contract-free, full-service production approach. Moonb is a superior alternative to:

  • Traditional video agencies
  • Freelancers
  • In-house production teams

Our flexible, subscription-based model, combined with our expertise in creating compelling video content, positions us as the ideal partner for companies looking to elevate their marketing and educational initiatives through the power of video. Start a 3-day free trial to take your content to the next level. 

What Are The 2 Types Of Brand Awareness?

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1. Aided Brand Awareness: The Power of Recognition

Aided brand awareness, or brand recognition, refers to how many people can recognize your brand after being prompted. For example, if you were to ask survey respondents if they realized a company after showing them a list of logos or some images, and they said yes to your brand, that would count as aided awareness. Aided brand awareness is typically more straightforward than unaided awareness, as it doesn’t require the respondent to recall anything independently. Instead, some cues are provided to jog their memory. 

The size of your company may also impact your aided brand awareness scores. The larger your brand, the more likely you will achieve unaided awareness. Aided brand awareness can also help you boost your unaided scores. For example, if someone recognizes your brand from a video or article, they may recall it the next time they’re asked about similar products without any prompts.

2. Unaided Brand Awareness: The Goal of Recall

When we talk about unaided brand awareness, we’re referring to the number of people who can recall your brand without any prompts. This means they would independently mention your brand when asked about a specific product category. For example, if you wanted to know how many people recognized your cannabis brand, you might survey to see how many people name your brand when asked about “marijuana companies.” 

This top-of-mind awareness is the marketing goal because it means your brand is likely the first one that comes to people’s minds when they think of a particular category. The higher your unaided awareness scores, the better. Not only does top-of-mind awareness help predict consumer choice, but it also means your brand is likely to be among those that get recalled in the event of a product or category search.

Why Use Video For Brand Awareness?

man holding a camera - Brand Awareness Videos

High Shareability: Brand Awareness Videos Spread Like Wildfire

Videos are highly shareable, making them a perfect medium for spreading your brand message to new audiences. According to Wyzowl's 2023 report, more than 50% of viewers are likely to share a video, which amplifies your brand’s reach. Sharing videos across social platforms can quickly expose your brand to broader networks without additional cost, leading to organic growth.

Memorability: Brand Awareness Videos Stick with Viewers

People tend to remember videos more than text-based content. You can combine striking visuals, colors, and motion with video to create a lasting impression on your audience. 

This enhanced recall is crucial for brand awareness, as memorable experiences make consumers more likely to think of your brand when making purchase decisions.

Increased Engagement: Brand Awareness Videos Captivate Audiences

Video is uniquely engaging because it activates multiple senses, sight, sound, and sometimes even emotional triggers through a mix of visuals, audio, and text. This multi-sensory appeal helps capture and maintain the viewer's attention, delivering your brand message more impactfully than text or static images.

Storytelling Power: Brand Awareness Videos Tell Your Story

Video allows you to tell your brand’s story dynamically and compellingly by showing:

  • Real-life situations
  • Customer testimonials
  • Behind-the-scenes footage 

This elements are essential for long-term brand awareness if you can evoke:

  • Emotions
  • Build trust
  • Create a deeper connection with your audience

SEO Benefits: Brand Awareness Videos Help You Get Found Online

Videos also have SEO advantages, as they increase time spent on your website, reduce bounce rates, and help your brand appear in search results. 

A well-optimized video can attract organic traffic, boosting your brand’s online visibility.

7 Types Of Brand Awareness Videos You Can Create

man holding a camera - Brand Awareness Videos

1. Employer Branding Videos: Showcase Your Company Culture

These videos showcase your company's culture, values, and what makes it a great workplace. They serve a dual purpose—they attract potential employees and increase general brand awareness by consistently displaying your:

  • Logo
  • Color schemes
  • Brand voice

For example, during a rebranding campaign, such as when Facebook rebranded to Meta, the company used a video to introduce its new name, logo, and vision. This helped employees and the public get familiar with the new brand identity. Employer branding videos are also helpful for long-term brand recognition since they visually reinforce your company’s identity in viewers' minds.

2. User-Generated Content (UGC): Let Your Customers Do the Talking

UGC videos are created by your customers, fans, or influencers, showcasing their personal experiences with your product or service. These videos are powerful because they come from real users, making them feel more authentic and relatable. For instance, a customer might share an unboxing video of your product or a review, and if they have a following, their audience gets introduced to your brand. 

A partnership with niche influencers or loyal customers to create UGC videos can increase credibility, as people trust content that doesn’t feel like a polished ad. A great example is Sony's collaboration with travel influencers to highlight their camera capabilities, reaching a broader audience by leveraging the influencer's followers. UGC is often perceived as more genuine, making it an ideal way to humanize your brand and resonate with a broader audience.

3. Product Videos: Show Off Your Offerings

These videos deeply dive into your product or service's features, benefits, and unique selling points. Think of product demos, explainer videos, or feature overviews. Not only do they serve as sales tools, but they also help increase brand awareness by educating viewers about what your company offers. For instance, a product video that showcases how your solution solves a common problem will likely attract people searching for that solution online. 

Even if viewers aren’t ready to make a purchase, they’ll become aware of your brand, and that awareness could grow as they see more content. Buffer, for example, used a product video to introduce their "Notes" feature, explaining its benefits and how it integrates with their software, making the brand more recognizable among industry audiences.

4. Vlogs: Share the Story of Your Brand

Vlogs are narrative-style videos that provide an authentic, behind-the-scenes look at your brand, often from the perspective of employees or leaders within the company. These videos are highly effective for brand awareness because they show the human side of your business, making it more relatable and engaging. 

A popular style is the "A Day in My Life" vlog, where an employee takes viewers through a typical workday. This can be pre-recorded and shared on your brand’s social media channels or a live takeover of your accounts. The informal and personal nature of vlogs helps viewers feel more connected to the people behind your brand.

5. Event Promotion Videos: Generate Buzz for Upcoming Events 

These videos are designed to create buzz around an upcoming event, such as a webinar, conference, or product launch. They are typically short, teaser-style videos that introduce vital speakers, highlight the event’s value, and build excitement. 

When shared on social media, these videos benefit from organic amplification as employees, attendees, and other stakeholders like, comment, and share the content, increasing its reach. This type of video is ideal for drawing in a larger audience and positioning your brand as a key player in your industry.

6. Live Streaming: Broadcast Your Business 

Live streaming an event can give your brand a broader reach. It also creates a sense of urgency and FOMO (fear of missing out). Do you have a global customer base, or people can’t attend the event? Then, live streams can help you maximize brand awareness. Plus, streams can be branded with logos and feature CTAs to capitalize on this awareness. 

You could even use this video strategy for speaking engagements and panel discussions. These all help to establish you as a thought leader in your industry.

7. Corporate and Brand Story Videos: Share Your Brand’s Mission 

Corporate and brand story videos are a great way to capture your company’s essence. People like to see the faces behind the brand they’re aligning with. And don’t think your company is too dull to warrant this.

8 Ways To Use Brand Awareness Videos

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1. Boost Your Brand’s Organic Reach on Social Media

Social media is one of the most effective ways to increase brand awareness, given the vast number of users on platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and TikTok. With video content becoming increasingly popular, sharing videos on social channels can help businesses connect with larger audiences organically. 

Regularly sharing fresh video content is crucial to keeping your brand relevant as social platforms move fast. TikTok has become a significant player, making it a vital platform to tap into for brand awareness. Posting frequently and staying updated with social media trends can boost visibility and engagement like:

  • Trending hashtags
  • Audio clips
  • Challenges 

2. Showcase Your Customers Through Testimonials

Testimonial videos leverage the positive experiences of satisfied customers to create credibility and build trust with new audiences. They are highly effective because people are more inclined to trust feedback from other customers over direct brand promotions. Testimonial videos are also relatively inexpensive to produce and can have a powerful impact by showcasing how your product or service has improved someone’s life. 

The authentic and relatable nature of testimonials often resonates with viewers, leading to higher engagement and interest in your brand.

3. Create Targeted Video Ads for Brand Awareness

While organic reach is essential, running targeted video ads can help you reach your target audience directly and increase brand awareness among the right consumers. Platforms like YouTube and Facebook offer advanced targeting features that allow businesses to serve ads to specific demographics, such as:

  • Age
  • Gender
  • Location
  • Interests

This precision ensures that your video content reaches people most likely interested in your products or services. With access to detailed performance metrics, targeted video ads can provide valuable insights into how viewers engage with your content.

4. Tell Your Brand’s Story Through Video

Consumers today are looking for more than just products; they want to connect with the story behind the brand. Telling your brand’s story through video—about how the business started, its values, or its mission—can help create an emotional connection with your audience. 

This type of video allows viewers to understand the 'why' behind your brand, making it more relatable and memorable. Brand story videos are typically longer and more in-depth, which can help build a stronger relationship with potential customers and encourage them to engage more with your brand.

5. Show Off Your Brand’s Unique Personality

Video is one of the best mediums to show off your brand’s personality, which can help you build a connection with your audience. This can spark the kind of connection that transforms curiosity into brand loyalty. You can use video content to embody your brand voice and create a lasting impression whether your brand is:

  • Fun
  • Quirky
  • Professional
  • Severe

Engaging videos highlighting your brand’s unique style or voice can humanize your business and encourage viewers to relate more to your messaging.

6. Encourage User-Generated Video Content (UGC)

UGC is an excellent strategy for increasing brand awareness by leveraging content your customers create. By encouraging your customers to create and share videos of themselves using your product or service, you can build credibility and trust with potential customers. UGC is often seen as more authentic and relatable because it comes from actual users rather than the brand itself. 

You can incentivize customers to create videos by launching competitions or creating branded hashtags to encourage participation. The more UGC your customers share, the more visibility your brand will gain.

 7. Partner with Another Brand

Partnering with a complementary brand can be an effective way to expand your audience and increase brand awareness. By collaborating with a brand that shares your target audience, you can introduce your products or services to a new group of potential customers. 

This partnership can be leveraged to create joint video campaigns or product collaborations promoted across both brands’ channels. A successful partnership allows both brands to benefit from each other’s audience reach, helping to grow brand recognition on a larger scale.

8. Improve SEO for Your Brand Awareness Videos

SEO is crucial in ensuring your brand awareness videos are discoverable online. While search engines still rely heavily on text to index results, videos can rank higher in search results if appropriately optimized. 

To improve SEO, it’s essential to include relevant keywords in the video’s title, description, and thumbnail text. Doing so gives your video a better chance of appearing in search results, which can help attract new viewers and increase your brand’s visibility.  

How To Make A Brand Awareness Video?

man holding a camera - Brand Awareness Videos

Map Out Your Video Content Plan Before Creating a Brand Awareness Video  

Before creating video content, it is essential to define your goals. For example, a good branding video could increase brand awareness, show expertise in the industry, or establish trust. Keep your audience in mind and conceptualize ideas that align with their values. 

It is crucial to set a budget so you know how much you are willing to spend for video production. It helps in gauging and setting expectations. When a video content plan is complete, calendar the tasks from ideating to launching the video content.

Write a Script to Create a Brand Awareness Video  

The next step is to write a script around your brand message. Using a storyboard, draw scenarios that address pain points your branding video wishes to address. Craft the dialogue and incorporate actors who represent your customer profiles. 

When customers see themselves in your branding video characters, they are more open to understanding and receiving the message you wish to convey, improving brand retention.

Employ Filming Techniques for Brand Awareness Videos

Use tried-and-tested creative filming techniques to make your video content enticing. For instance, viewers respond better to videos that incorporate storytelling in their narratives. Trending transitions can also create a dynamic and immersive experience. 

Many leverage AI to amplify their creative outputs and highlight product features. Being consistent on your brand’s identity strengthens brand recognition. Most importantly, be consistent when integrating elements like:

  • Brand logos
  • Colors
  • Messaging

Edit Video and Publish  

Before processing your video, lay everything you need—video assets and branding elements—on the table. This step ensures efficiency and lessens the likelihood of committing mistakes. If you have branded music or a song and sound effects, use them for a sensory experience. For instance, Samsung has a set of branded sounds like Over the Horizon for its phones. 

When publishing your branding video, make sure to have it in several formats appropriate for every platform. For instance, longer videos do better on YouTube than on Instagram. They should also be easy to share. Work with an expert! Good impressions last, so avoid hiring a professional, especially for videos that will stay up for a long time in the digital space.

Promote Your Brand Awareness Video  

Promote your branding video to get to the top of the list. Use your social media platforms and consider boosting visibility through paid ads. Incorporate SEO strategies by including meta tags and a description that contains high-traffic keywords. 

Consider collaborating with influencers, too! Customers are more likely to take suggestions from micro- and macro-influencers they follow on socials.

Subscription-Based Model for Cost-Effective Video Marketing

Moonb is a video marketing agency offering unlimited video editing subscriptions. We offer seamless project management integration via:

  • Trello
  • Slack
  • MS Teams 

We also have weekly strategy calls and a contract-free, full-service production approach. Moonb is a superior alternative to:

  • Traditional video agencies
  • Freelancers
  • In-house production teams

Our flexible, subscription-based model, combined with our expertise in creating compelling video content, positions us as the ideal partner for companies looking to elevate their marketing and educational initiatives through the power of video. Start a 3-day free trial to take your content to the next level.

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5 Tips For Boosting Brand Awareness With Video

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1. Use Consistent Visual Elements Repeatedly

Use consistent visual elements across all your videos to boost brand awareness with video content. This includes your logo, color schemes, and other branding elements. Why does this matter? Consistency in visual branding is crucial for recognition. 

Adhere to brand guidelines to ensure that visual elements are presented uniformly. The more frequently your audience sees these elements, the easier it becomes for them to identify and recall your brand. According to the rule of seven, exposure to a brand element at least seven times can significantly enhance recall.

2. Limit “Salesy-ness”

Aggressive sales pitches can alienate viewers; nearly 90 percent of respondents in a survey indicated they skip online video ads. Instead of focusing solely on sales, prioritize educating your audience about your products. 

Create engaging videos that demonstrate how your product solves specific problems. This approach piques interest and can lead to conversions without appearing overly promotional.

3. Tell Compelling Stories

Your videos should tell compelling stories that evoke feelings such as humor, empathy, or inspiration while reinforcing your brand’s mission and values. Why? Storytelling is an effective way to forge emotional connections with your audience. 

Successful campaigns often rely on compelling narratives that resonate with viewers. Coca-Cola’s “Share-a-Coke” campaign used storytelling to connect people through shared experiences.

4. Distribute Your Videos Widely

Don’t limit your video content to a single platform. Instead, share it across multiple channels where your audience is active. Adjust the format of your videos to suit different platforms—shorter clips may perform well on TikTok and Instagram, while longer, in-depth content is better suited for YouTube. 

For example, if you post a vlog on YouTube, break it into bite-sized segments and share them on LinkedIn or TikTok to maximize reach.

5. Encourage Engagement

Engagement is essential for expanding the reach of your videos. Social media algorithms often reward content that generates interaction. Foster interaction by responding to comments and amplifying your audience’s content. 

Ask questions in your videos or run contests to encourage viewer participation. Consider providing incentives for engagement, such as giveaways or shout-outs, to motivate viewers to interact with your content.

5 Expert Tips for Creating An Impactful Brand Awareness Video

man holding a camera - Brand Awareness Videos

1. Let Real People Shine in Your Brand Awareness Videos

Authentic faces on camera can humanize a brand and build valuable trust with audiences. Video has an unmatched ability to forge genuine connections. That explains why 78 percent of marketing experts believe videos have helped boost sales, per the previously cited Wyzowl study. Brands can authentically tell their stories by featuring actual employees, founders, and partners rather than paid influencers. For example, ecommerce companies might film shop floor workers packing orders.

Similarly, startup founders telling their origin stories in a conversational vlog-style video can establish approachability and transparency. When real people share behind-the-scenes glimpses, audiences feel like they know the humans behind your brand. This emotional bond boosts brand affinity and awareness by turning customers into loyal advocates. Ultimately, authenticity is critical for video marketing in 2024. Ditch the stock footage in favor of honest, engaging footage of your team on camera.

2. Keep Your Brand Awareness Video Short and Sweet

The short form is the future of video marketing. Attention spans are shorter than ever in 2024, making short video content key for boosting brand impressions. Limiting video length to under 3 minutes allows you to quickly distill only the most visually impactful footage that establishes your brand ethos. Tight editing like this filters out unnecessary segments while spotlighting your most captivating selling points and core messaging upfront. 

Compressing content can boost video engagement, ensuring viewers remain captivated from start to finish and enhancing video completion rates. So, make every frame count in your short videos. Lead with your brand’s hero moments, and then wrap up strong. Brevity brings clarity and can turn fleeting attention into lasting brand awareness.

3. Long-Form Video Still Has Its Place in Brand Awareness

While short video content grabs attention, long-form storytelling should be noticed. Extended cuts allow for more comprehensive brand narratives that build in-depth connections. Rather than a swift brand montage, devote time to an origin story chronicling your founders’ vision or a 10-minute factory tour showing behind-the-scenes craftsmanship. 

An athletic apparel brand could post weekly 30-minute yoga videos showing customers using its sustainable fabrics in workouts, making the brand feel more personal. A food startup could share an hour-long documentary about how it developed its unique recipe. Audiences often prefer a deeper story over quick sales pitches, so offering a mix of video lengths across channels can keep them engaged.

4. Take Part in Trends to Improve Video Marketing

Tapping into trending topics and timely cultural moments is an effective video marketing tactic for raising brand awareness in 2024. When viral headlines catch fire in popular discourse, crafting content that creatively capitalizes on the hype can engage viewers. 

Aviation Gin’s ad featuring the “Peloton Girl” acted quickly around the controversial ad’s peak frenzy. Aviation Gin aligned its brand with the cultural conversation by playfully referencing the ad's questionable messaging, which went viral. This ad demonstrated relevance and ingenuity while spotlighting their product.

5. Create Targeted Video Ads

Strategic video ad placement is instrumental for directing your branding efforts toward ideal target demographics rather than taking a spray-and-pray approach. Platforms like YouTube and Facebook offer robust advertising options, from customized audience targeting to video category selections, ensuring your brand appears alongside relevant content. Identifying video contexts where your products or services organically enhance lifestyles is critical. 

Analyze the viewing habits of your best existing customers, and then mirror those patterns through video ads directing lookalike consumers toward purposeful branding touchpoints. Ultimately, there is no one-size-fits-all approach to video marketing. Laser-focused advertising optimizes videos to resonate with the right crowds, multiplying relevancy and brand memorability.

Start a 3-day Free Trial to Take Your Content to the Next Level

Moonb is a video marketing agency offering unlimited video editing subscriptions. We offer seamless project management integration via Trello, Slack, and MS Teams. We also have weekly strategy calls, and a contract-free, full-service production approach.

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Table of Content

Have Questions?

Can you handle the entire process?

Of course! We smoothly manage your project from the initial idea to the final publication. We take care of writing, visuals, animation, voiceover, editing, sound, branding, and more. You can participate as much as you like or let us handle everything. We'll make sure your content is perfect for any platform that supports videos.

What does the onboarding process look like?

Once you subscribe, you will receive an email within a few minutes containing two essential links. The first link directs you to our production platform where you can access all your videos and request reviews. The second link takes you to your customer portal to manage your subscription. Your dedicated video team will contact you immediately to schedule a first call, during which we'll gather all the necessary information to get started. We'll then create a content strategy plan and begin working on your productions. We will develop a content calendar with precise deliverables and a review process. You can be as involved as you wish or leave it entirely in our hands.

Are there any refunds if I don't like the service?

If your dedicated team has started work on your designs or videos before you decide to cancel, you won't be eligible for a refund.

Will I have the working files? What about ownership of the work?

Absolutely, you'll receive the working files, and you'll own all the intellectual property created.

Do you offer annual payments?

We offer annual payments equivalent to $4,500 per month. Get in touch with our team to receive a custom link.

Who will be my point of contact?

As soon as you sign up, you'll be assigned a dedicated video team, supervised by a Creative Director who will be your main point of contact. You will be onboarded to our production platform, where you can oversee the entire process and manage each video production.

Do you sign non-disclosure agreements?

Absolutely, your privacy matters to us. We can offer you our standard Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA), or you are welcome to provide your own.

How hard is it to cancel a subscription?

Not hard at all, we keep things simple: no documentation or extensive process is involved and you can cancel at any point in time. Just log in to your Moonb account and you can cancel with just a few clicks. Need a hand with this? No worries. You can request assistance via email or directly to your dedicated team.