Understanding Video Content Creation (Types, Benefits. Best Practices & More)

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October 3, 2024
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16 minutes
Lorenzo Nicolini image
Lorenzo Nicolini

You’re scrolling through your social media feed when a mesmerizing video catches your attention. Just a few seconds in, and you’re hooked. Before you know it, you’ve watched the whole thing and are ready to learn more about the business it was promoting. This scenario plays out daily online and is a prime example of the power of video content creation. Video is a great way to engage with an audience, and it can help businesses of all sizes reach their goals faster and more efficiently. If you want to start creating video content, you’re in the right place. This article will walk you through the ins and outs of making engaging video content that will connect with your target audience, no matter your niche or industry.

Creating video content for marketing purposes can be overwhelming. That’s where Moonb, a video marketing agency, comes in. We're here to help you learn about video content creation so you can produce engaging video content that reaches your target audience and achieves your business goals.

What is Video Content Making?

Person Video Editing on Mobile - Video Content Creation

Video content creation refers to crafting visual media that communicates messages, tells stories, or conveys information through moving images, sound, and other multimedia elements. This process typically involves multiple stages, such as:

  • Planning
  • Filming
  • Editing 
  • Distributing 

Videos can be done across platforms like YouTube, Instagram, TikTok, and websites. The type of video content can vary, from simple smartphone recordings to professionally produced animations or films, depending on the creator's goals, audience, and available resources.

In the digital landscape, video content has become a vital asset for businesses, brands, and individual creators who want to engage their audiences online effectively. According to a report by NogenTech, 91% of marketing departments will incorporate video content into their strategies by 2023. This massive growth in video content creation is tied to the rising demand for short-form video, popularized by platforms like:

  • TikTok
  • Instagram Reels
  • YouTube Shorts

The Growing Importance of Video in Search

Person Searching on Google - Video Content Creation

Video has become a key component of online searches. 62% of Google searches now include video results, and 80% of those videos originate from YouTube. This trend emphasizes the importance of video in both search engine optimization (SEO) and user engagement.

Whether you're an entrepreneur, marketer, or a creative individual looking to share your stories with the world, mastering the art and science of video creation is essential for success in the digital age.

What is Video Content Strategy?

Office Meeting - Video Content Creation

A video content strategy is the pooling of knowledge, goals, ideas, and resources in one place. It also involves:

  • Planning
  • Creation
  • Distribution
  • Monitoring of video content
  • Video colors
  • Video Tone
  • Branding elements

It also includes ways to improve the viewer experience, potentially including elements related to a company’s branding or rebranding strategies.

You may have created videos and run successful campaigns without a concrete strategy. Now is the time to give shape to your past actions. A video content strategy in writing will also help you identify the missing pieces and fill them up to make your marketing campaigns more robust and thriving. It helps you save time, resources, and effort. 

The Importance of a Video Content Strategy

A video content strategy is indispensable if you plan to create multiple videos and different types of videos, use several distribution channels, and achieve multiple goals.

Even if your current plan involves just one or two videos, you will need more video content in the long run. Later, you may regret not having a video content strategy that covers all contingencies and multiple distribution channels. 

Moonb: Your Unlimited Video Editing Solution

Moonb - Video Content Creation

Moonb is a video marketing agency offering unlimited video editing subscriptions. We offer seamless project management integration via:

  • Trello
  • Slack
  • MS Teams

We also have weekly strategy calls, and a contract-free, full-service production approach. Moonb is a superior alternative to:

  • Traditional video agencies
  • Freelancers
  • In-house production teams

Our flexible, subscription-based model, combined with our expertise in creating compelling video content, positions us as the ideal partner for companies looking to elevate their marketing and educational initiatives through the power of video. Start a 3-day free trial to take your content to the next level.

Related Reading

Importance of Video Content in Marketing Campaigns 

Man Giving Presentation - Video Content Creation

Video content has become an indispensable element of marketing campaigns, transforming how brands communicate with audiences and driving significant business growth. Since the rise of YouTube in 2005 and its acquisition by Google in 2006, video marketing has evolved rapidly. With the accessibility of video creation tools and the ubiquity of smartphones, video is now the dominant form of communication for brands aiming to engage with modern consumers.

The pandemic further accelerated online media consumption, with video viewing surging by 215% in the U.S. Audiences in 2024 are now spending an average of 17 hours per week watching videos online, underscoring the importance of incorporating video into marketing strategies.

Video Marketing’s Biggest Benefits

Person Checking Analytics - Video Content Creation

Encourages Social Shares

Video content is one of the most shared forms of media on social platforms. Platforms like YouTube and TikTok have thrived on video, but even platforms traditionally dominated by images and text, such as Instagram, X (formerly Twitter), and Pinterest, now emphasize video. Tweets featuring videos receive ten times more engagement, and marketers increasingly use LinkedIn videos to capture attention.

Improves SEO, Boosts Conversions, and Sales 

Video is an effective SEO tool, helping websites rank higher on search engines. By adding video to a webpage, marketers can enhance page quality and increase visitors' time. This is crucial, as engagement time is a significant ranking factor for Google.

Video is proven to increase conversions, with 83% of marketers reporting that it helps generate leads. Video has also become essential throughout the sales funnel, helping sales teams connect more personally with prospects and nurturing them into customers.

Appeals to Mobile Users 

With 77% of people using smartphones or tablets to watch videos, mobile users are a critical audience for marketers. Mobile video consumption is more frequent, with users 1.5 times more likely to watch video on their smartphones daily than desktops. This shift to mobile has opened new opportunities for businesses to reach consumers on the go, creating content that’s easily digestible and optimized for smaller screens.

Builds Trust and Educates Consumers

Beyond entertainment, video is a powerful tool for education and trust-building. Users increasingly prefer how-to and educational videos, which help them make informed decisions about products or services.

Brands can leverage video to offer tutorials, product demonstrations, customer testimonials, and even behind-the-scenes looks that humanize the brand. Authenticity is key here, as consumers, particularly Millennials and Gen Z, prefer real, unpolished videos over highly produced content.

Influencer Marketing and Personal Connections

The growth of influencer marketing, from $9.7 billion in 2020 to an estimated $24 billion in 2024, showcases how video has revolutionized peer-to-peer influence. Brands partner with influencers to create authentic, relatable content that resonates with target audiences. In addition, video allows sales teams to form personal connections with prospects by sending tailored messages or creating videos that directly address customer concerns.

10 Examples of Great Video Content

Person Shooting a Video - Video Content Creation

1. Video Interview Marketing: Why It's Effective and How to Get Started

Interviews with industry experts or influencers can engage audiences, allowing them to learn more about a person’s story and gain insight into a specific topic. Research your interview subject and their expertise before the interview to create exciting questions to spark engaging conversations on camera.

2. The Benefits of Vlogging for Business 

Vlogging is an incredibly effective way to create video content, especially for beginners. A vlog features one person talking directly to the camera. These types of videos are viral on platforms like TikTok and YouTube. A vlog is like a video diary or journal that captures a person’s thoughts and daily life. Vlogs can create more intimacy for viewers, as if someone speaks directly to them.

They’re trendy in industries like: 

  • Travel
  • Beauty
  • Fashion

3. What Is a Webinar? 

Webinars are an increasingly popular type of video content that is excellent for teaching your audience members about a topic. They’re often done live with audience members asking questions of the expert or panel. You can use webinars for online training sessions, education, or information sharing.

4. The Rise of Live Streaming 

Live streams exploded in popularity during the pandemic. Similar to webinars, they are broadcast in real time to an online audience. Large companies may also use live streams to announce new products or share breaking announcements.

Apple often does live streams to release new versions of its iPhones or other devices. Live streams are also great for engagement. You can include a chat box for people to answer questions or invite audience members to call into the stream.

5. How-to Videos: The Ultimate Guide to Creating Video 

Tutorials How-to videos are valuable for showing viewers how to do something or learn a new skill. They’re often presented as a series of steps. You can do tutorial videos on a variety of topics. Beauty and makeup tutorials are very popular. So are home repair, DIY, crafts, and other project how-to videos. Many well-viewed channels teach digital skills like: 

  • Coding
  • Social media management
  • Graphic design

6. Why You Need Video Testimonials for Your Business 

Use this to your advantage if your company or brand already has fans. Testimonial videos feature clips from people talking about what they like most about your product or service. Testimonials from current employees can also be a good form of video content, either to learn more about a company or for hiring purposes.

7. Product Demonstration Videos: Overview and Benefits 

A product demo is a way to show rather than tell customers what you’re trying to sell. Demonstration videos put the product front and center, showing the consumer what it looks like and what it can do. These videos can be made with:

  • Live-action footage
  • Interviews
  • B-roll
  • Other types of footage

8. What Is an Animated Explainer Video? 

Do you have a complicated concept you’d like to explain? An animated explainer video may be what you need. In this video type, you use voiceover to discuss a topic with accompanying simple animations. You can also add sparse words here and there for emphasis. Keep them short and engaging for the most impact and shareability over social media, websites, and email.

9. Why Behind-the-Scenes Videos Matter

Behind-the-scenes videos are viral in the film, TV, and music industries. They give fans a closer look at their favorite stars and can be used to promote upcoming releases. It can also be fun to offer customers a behind-the-scenes look at how your company operates or how you make your products.

Most people have never been in an industrial factory. With this type of video, you can share information about the manufacturing process and promote services and products.

10. Company Culture Videos: Why They’re Important 

If you have an innovative or cool company culture, consider making a video about it. It’s a way to build trust with customers, give your brand more of a human feeling, and showcase your excellent employees. You can use this video to tell the history of your company and how you are innovating for the future.

The Basics of Video Content Creation

Man Setting Video Camera - Video Content Creation

Creating video content, commonly called video production, is a multi-stage process that involves planning, recording, and editing video. It’s akin to filmmaking, but the images are recorded digitally instead of on traditional film stock. Just like on movie sets, marketing video production can be broken down into three main stages: 

  • Pre-production
  • Production
  • Post-production

Pre-Production: Planning Makes Perfect

Pre-production is the planning phase of video production. This is where you define the video’s objectives and plan how to achieve them to create a cohesive and engaging video. Pre-production can involve the following steps: 

  • Crafting a script
  • Storyboarding
  • Selecting a suitable location
  • Organizing resources
  • Scheduling the shoot

Proper planning during the pre-production phase can help reduce mistakes and keep your production on schedule and within budget.

Production: Capturing the Action

Production is the actual filming phase. The goal is to capture high-quality visuals and audio based on the pre-production plan. Activities include setting up cameras, lighting, directing actors or subjects, and recording the footage. Ensuring the right environment and following the storyboard is crucial for a successful shoot.

Post-Production: Refining the Footage

Post-production focuses on refining the captured footage. The goal is to create a cohesive and engaging video. This stage involves: 

  • Editing clips
  • Adding special effects
  • Integrating music or sound effects
  • Color correction
  • Finalizing the video for distribution. 

It’s where the raw footage transforms into a polished final product.

The Growing Demand for Video Content

Like the range of written assets you can create using a content workflow, there are plenty of reasons to create video content. Statista revealed in its Q2 2023 statistics for weekly content consumption by video type.

While music videos, comedy clips, viral memes, and sports highlights attract considerable attention, there are plenty of other formats that brands can use to capture user attention and interest. The growth of video apps and video-on-demand platforms has boosted the demand for diverse types of videos. 

Related Reading

  • Video Production
  • Brand Awareness Videos
  • Brand Video Examples
  • Video Production Cost
  • Video for Lead Generation
  • How Much Does Video Editing Cost
  • Best Practices for Video Marketing
  • Corporate Video Production
  • Freelance Animator
  • Video Marketing Checklist
  • How to Hire a Video Editor

How To Plan Video Content

Person Shooting a Video - Video Content Creation

Know Who You’re Talking To

Defining your target audience is crucial when creating video content. You need to understand your audience to reach your customers and understand their wants and needs. Research your audience, study their interests, and draw a detailed portrait of your target audience, including:

  • Age
  • Gender
  • Marital status
  • Employment
  • Additional interests

This will help you create content that will interest and engage your customers.

Pick a Subject

Choose a relevant video topic to engage your target audience and support your broader marketing strategy. Determine what information you want to convey, what story you want to tell, and what problem you want to solve in your video.

Write a Script

A script is a blueprint for your video that describes the:

  • Sequence of events
  • Dialogues
  • Visuals.

It helps you organize your thoughts and ensures that your footage develops logically. Write your script in advance, noting the key points and main issues you want to include.

Define a Video Format

Various footage formats attract different kinds of attention. Choose the one that best suits your topic and how you communicate with your target audience. It can be:

  • Informative footage
  • Review
  • Blog
  • Viral video

Plan the Shoot and Edit

To prepare for the shoot, start by determining the necessary materials. This includes:

  • Planning the location
  • Equipment
  • Lighting
  • Any specific attributes you require.

Additionally, consider the post-production phase and the video editing apps, tools, or technologies you will utilize to enhance the final product.

Why Choose Moonb Over Traditional Agencies

Moonb is a video marketing agency offering unlimited video editing subscriptions. We offer seamless project management integration via:

  • Trello
  • Slack
  • MS Teams 

We also have weekly strategy calls, and a contract-free, full-service production approach. Moonb is a superior alternative to:

  • Traditional video agencies
  • Freelancers
  • In-house production teams

Our flexible, subscription-based model, combined with our expertise in creating compelling video content, positions us as the ideal partner for companies looking to elevate their marketing and educational initiatives through the power of video. Start a 3-day free trial to take your content to the next level.

13 Tips For Creating High-Quality Video Content

Person Shooting a Video - Video Content Creation

1. Craft a Compelling Narrative

Storytelling is the backbone of impactful videos. Audiences are drawn to emotional and relatable stories, not just cold facts. When crafting your marketing videos, think of a narrative that resonates with your target audiences:

  • Desires
  • Fears
  • Aspirations

By weaving a story into your content, you create an emotional connection that makes your message more memorable. Consider brands like Nike, which uses storytelling to inspire and motivate through ads. Whether creating an explainer video or showcasing a product, aim to tell a story that gives value to the viewer.

2. Optimize for Mobile Viewing

With over 4.32 million internet users accessing content on mobile devices, ensuring your videos are mobile-friendly is non-negotiable. This means paying attention to the technical aspects, such as video resolution and aspect ratios that fit mobile screens (like 9:16 for vertical videos).

Make sure the video loads quickly, is optimized for smaller screens and can be watched on mobile data. If your video content is not mobile-optimized, viewers may abandon it for more accessible content. Instagram Stories, TikTok videos, and mobile-friendly YouTube ads are great examples of mobile-optimized content.

3. Customize Content for Each Platform

Every social media platform has:

  • Algorithms
  • Audience behavior
  • Content preferences

A video that performs well on YouTube may not get the same engagement on Instagram or TikTok. Research the optimal video lengths, formats, and themes for each platform. For instance, short, humorous clips do well on Instagram and TikTok, while more in-depth videos are better suited for YouTube or Facebook. When posting on LinkedIn, you might want to create videos that have a professional tone, whereas more casual or entertaining content works best on platforms like Instagram.

4. Leverage Screen Recording for Tutorials

Tutorial and how-to videos are practical for product demos or onboarding new users. Screen recording tools like Movavi Screen Recorder, OBS, and Bandicam allow you to capture detailed processes, such as:

  • How to use software
  • Troubleshoot an issue
  • Explore website features

Tutorial videos create a more engaging experience, especially with voice overs or annotations that guide viewers through the steps. These videos are popular because they help audiences learn visually, breaking down complex tasks into easy-to-follow actions.

5. Create Eye-Catching Titles and Thumbnails

The title and thumbnail are the first elements viewers see, and they are crucial in influencing whether they will click on your video. A good title combines curiosity with key information, incorporating relevant keywords for better searchability. The thumbnail should be visually appealing and high-quality and give a glimpse of the video’s content, acting as a teaser. Think of it as a movie poster. It needs to be compelling enough to stop users mid-scroll.

To increase click-through rates, use:

  • Bright colors
  • Bold text
  • Emotional facial expressions

6. Hook Your Audience in the First Few Seconds

Research shows that most people decide to continue watching a video within the first 3-5 seconds. This means you must create an immediate hook to capture attention. The hook could be:

  • A surprising fact
  • A question
  • An eye-catching visual
  • A teaser of what’s coming later in the video

Keep it short, clear, and impactful. Adobe’s marketing videos, for example, immediately pique curiosity with compelling visuals or a provocative opening statement that makes you want to stick around to find out more.

7. Incorporate Clear Calls-to-Action (CTAs)

A video without a call to action is a missed opportunity. Whether you want viewers to subscribe, visit your website, share the video, or purchase a product, you must guide them with a well-placed CTA.

CTAs are often placed at the end of a video, but mid-roll CTAs (brief prompts in the middle) are also effective for keeping engagement up. Instead of aggressive, sales-heavy CTAs, follow subtle but clear directions, such as "Learn more" or "Join the conversation." Adding clickable links or buttons in your CTAs can also boost conversions.

8. Boost Your Video’s SEO

Just as you optimize blog posts for search engines, your videos must be optimized for better visibility on platforms like YouTube and Google and use:

  • Relevant keywords in the video title
  • Description and tags
  • Include a transcript if possible

Craft a detailed video description with links and hashtags that enhance discoverability. SEO isn’t just for YouTube. Website videos should also have:

  • Proper meta tags
  • Alt text for thumbnails
  • Appropriate schema markup 

9. Educate and Provide Value

While entertaining videos have their place, audiences increasingly seek informative and educational content. Videos that teach or explain something new about your industry, product, or service position your brand as an expert.

Creating educational videos, such as tutorials or how-to guides, fosters trust and adds value to your audience’s experience. The goal is to balance informative and engaging, keeping the tone light while delivering key insights that benefit the viewer.

10. Invest in Quality Production and Editing

Production quality can make or break a video. Using the right camera, lighting, and editing tools elevates your content, making it more engaging and professional. But high quality can mean something other than being overproduced.

Some audiences appreciate authenticity, so depending on your target demographic, you might opt for a more raw, unpolished look. Either way, ensure the sound and visuals are clear, and invest in good editing software to streamline your story and make the video more enjoyable to watch.

11. Target the Right Audience

Great content is meaningless if it doesn’t reach the right audience. Utilize targeting features on platforms like Facebook and Instagram to ensure your videos are seen by those most likely to engage with them. Narrow your audience by:

  • Location
  • Demographics
  • Interests
  • Behaviors

The more specific your targeting, the better your chances of driving meaningful engagement. For example, using Facebook’s advanced targeting tools, you can segment users by age, gender, interests, and behaviors to ensure your video reaches those genuinely interested.

12. Collaborate with Influencers in Your Industry

Partnering with influencers can amplify your reach, especially when they align with your brand’s values and appeal to your target audience. Influencers help build trust and credibility with their followers, which can lead to more conversions for your brand.

Whether you're working with a micro-influencer or a well-known figure, collaboration can help expose your brand to a larger, more engaged audience. Take Subaru’s partnership with Devin YouTuber Graham, whose authentic content helped the brand reach a broader and younger demographic.

13. Encourage User-Generated Content

Involving your customers in your video marketing strategy can foster a sense of community. You can encourage your audience to create videos around your product through:

  • Reviews
  • Unboxing
  • Creative challenges

Compile these user-generated videos into a single piece of content or share them individually to build trust. Featuring your audience in your videos boosts engagement and enhances brand loyalty, as customers feel valued and heard.

5 Essential Equipment and Tools for High-Quality Videos

Video Shooting - Video Content Creation

1. The Right Camera and Lenses Make All the Difference

Having the right equipment is crucial when producing high-quality videos. While the camera on your smartphone can do the job in some cases, investing in a dedicated camera and a selection of lenses is worth considering for professional-looking videos. Pick a camera that suits your needs and budget, and don’t forget to research lenses that can enhance your videos' overall look and feel.

 2. Lighting: The Unsung Hero of Video Production

Good lighting can make or break a video. Investing in professional lighting equipment is essential to achieving a high-quality look. Proper lighting setups will help you eliminate shadows, create depth, and enhance the visual appeal of your videos whether it’s:

  • Studio lights
  • Softboxes
  • Portable LED panels

3. Why You Need a Professional Video Editor

Creating high-quality videos is both an art and a science, requiring creativity and the correct set of tools and equipment. Every step plays a crucial role in video production, from choosing the ideal camera to perfecting the final edit. The post-production phase is where your video truly comes to life.

To make professional video editing, a video editor tool is essential for this stage. This tool allows you to:

  • Cut and splice footage
  • Add effects
  • Adjust color balance
  • Integrate soundtracks and voiceovers

A video editor can elevate your footage from raw clips into a polished, high-quality video. Whether you’re editing a short film, a YouTube video, or a corporate presentation, the right video movie editor can make all the difference in delivering a professional final product.

4. Quality Audio Equipment for Clear Sound

While visuals are important, don’t overlook the importance of clear audio. Inaudible or poor-quality sound can ruin an otherwise excellent video. To ensure your viewers that they can hear your message loud and clear, invest in a quality microphone. Whether it’s:

  • Boom mic
  • Lapel mic
  • Shotgun mic

5. Editing Software

Tools like Adobe Premiere Pro or user-friendly options like Canva enable users to edit videos quickly and add professional touches.

Discover the Moonb Advantage

Moonb is a video marketing agency offering unlimited video editing subscriptions. We offer seamless project management integration via:

  • Trello
  • Slack
  • MS Teams

We also have weekly strategy calls, and a contract-free, full-service production approach. Moonb is a superior alternative to:

  • Traditional video agencies
  • Freelancers
  • In-house production teams

Our flexible, subscription-based model, combined with our expertise in creating compelling video content, positions us as the ideal partner for companies looking to elevate their marketing and educational initiatives through the power of video. Start a 3-day free trial to take your content to the next level.

Measuring the Success of Your Video Content Creation

Person Reading Statistics - Video Content Creation

Measuring the success of video content creation goes beyond simply counting likes or views. It involves understanding a range of metrics that reveal how your audience interacts with your content. Key performance indicators (KPIs) are essential to deciphering the effectiveness of your video such as:

  • Like view count
  • Watch time
  • Engagement rates (likes, comments, shares)
  • Conversion rates

These KPIs function like a detective kit, uncovering insights into audience behavior. For instance, watch time helps you understand how engaging your video is and whether viewers are sticking around for the whole message. Engagement metrics, such as shares and comments, indicate whether your video sparks conversation or emotionally resonates with your audience.

Unlocking Audience Insights with Analytics for Video Content Creation 

These tools provide detailed insights into who is watching your video, where they are from, and how long they engage with the content:

These tools help you tailor your future videos by revealing viewer preferences and demographics. 

Measuring Engagement for Video Content Creation

Engagement metrics also play a key role in measuring success. For example, comments, likes, and shares provide feedback on how your audience interacts with the video. At the same time, conversion rates show whether viewers took the desired action—signing up for a newsletter or making a purchase.

Refining Video Content Creation Over Time 

Video content creation is an ongoing process. Continuous analysis through A/B testing or surveys allows you to refine your approach, making sure your content evolves with audience preferences and performs optimally.

Start a 3-day Free Trial to Take Your Content to the Next Level

Moonb Pricing - Video Content Creation

Moonb is an innovative video marketing agency that creates compelling video content for businesses looking to improve their marketing and educational initiatives. Moonb offers an unlimited video editing subscription service, which allows companies to produce videos at scale without the pain points of traditional video production.

What Makes Moonb Different?

Moonb stands out as a superior alternative to traditional video agencies, freelancers, and in-house production teams. Our flexible, subscription-based model allows businesses to create videos at their own pace without the pressure of a looming deadline. Moonb offers:

  • Seamless project management integration via Trello, Slack, and MS Teams
  • Weekly strategy calls
  • Contract-free
  • Full-service production approach

This means businesses can rely on us as their video production team without getting bogged down by any of the complexities of video creation.

Related Reading

  • Unlimited Video Design Services
  • How to Choose a Video Production Company
  • Video Production Team
  • Video Marketing Companies
  • Video Animation Services
  • Video Editing Companies
  • Video Production Trends
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  • Video Marketing ROI
  • Video Editors for Hire
Table of Content

Have Questions?

Can you handle the entire process?

Of course! We smoothly manage your project from the initial idea to the final publication. We take care of writing, visuals, animation, voiceover, editing, sound, branding, and more. You can participate as much as you like or let us handle everything. We'll make sure your content is perfect for any platform that supports videos.

What does the onboarding process look like?

Once you subscribe, you will receive an email within a few minutes containing two essential links. The first link directs you to our production platform where you can access all your videos and request reviews. The second link takes you to your customer portal to manage your subscription. Your dedicated video team will contact you immediately to schedule a first call, during which we'll gather all the necessary information to get started. We'll then create a content strategy plan and begin working on your productions. We will develop a content calendar with precise deliverables and a review process. You can be as involved as you wish or leave it entirely in our hands.

Are there any refunds if I don't like the service?

If your dedicated team has started work on your designs or videos before you decide to cancel, you won't be eligible for a refund.

Will I have the working files? What about ownership of the work?

Absolutely, you'll receive the working files, and you'll own all the intellectual property created.

Do you offer annual payments?

We offer annual payments equivalent to $4,500 per month. Get in touch with our team to receive a custom link.

Who will be my point of contact?

As soon as you sign up, you'll be assigned a dedicated video team, supervised by a Creative Director who will be your main point of contact. You will be onboarded to our production platform, where you can oversee the entire process and manage each video production.

Do you sign non-disclosure agreements?

Absolutely, your privacy matters to us. We can offer you our standard Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA), or you are welcome to provide your own.

How hard is it to cancel a subscription?

Not hard at all, we keep things simple: no documentation or extensive process is involved and you can cancel at any point in time. Just log in to your Moonb account and you can cancel with just a few clicks. Need a hand with this? No worries. You can request assistance via email or directly to your dedicated team.