13 Effective Ways To Use Video For Lead Generation

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October 15, 2024
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14 minutes
Lorenzo Nicolini image
Lorenzo Nicolini

Imagine this: You’ve spent weeks planning the perfect offer to attract your target audience. You’ve researched and crafted engaging content to go with it. But when you hit publish, your heart sinks as you realize, there’s no video. You can almost hear crickets chirping. If you’re not using video for lead generation, you’re missing out on a huge opportunity to connect with your audience and boost conversions. Video content creation has become essential to any effective marketing strategy, offering a dynamic way to showcase your message and stand out from the competition. This blog will highlight practical ways to use video for lead generation so you can overcome this challenge and create engaging video content that attracts and converts your target audience.

Moonb is a video marketing agency that can help you reach these goals. Whether you need to produce a video to accompany an offer, boost your SEO, or tell your brand story, we can help you create engaging video content that speaks to your target audience and gets you results.

Why Videos Are Effective In Marketing

man with a camera - Video for Lead Generation

Video content has become an indispensable element of marketing campaigns, transforming how brands communicate with audiences and driving significant business growth. Since the rise of YouTube in 2005 and its acquisition by Google in 2006, video marketing has evolved rapidly. With the accessibility of video creation tools and the ubiquity of smartphones, video is now the dominant form of communication for brands aiming to engage with modern consumers. 

The pandemic further accelerated online media consumption, with video viewing surging by 215% in the U.S. Audiences in 2024 now spend an average of 17 hours per week watching videos online, underscoring the importance of incorporating video into marketing strategies. 

Video Marketing's Biggest Benefits

Encourages Social Shares

Video content is one of the most shared forms of media on social platforms. Platforms like YouTube and TikTok have thrived on video, but even platforms traditionally dominated by images and text now emphasize video, such as:

  • Instagram
  • X (formerly Twitter)
  • Pinterest

Tweets featuring videos receive ten times more engagement, and marketers increasingly use LinkedIn videos to capture attention.

Improves SEO, Boosts Conversions and Sales

Video is an effective SEO tool, helping websites rank higher on search engines. By adding video to a webpage, marketers can enhance page quality and increase visitors’ time. This is crucial, as engagement time is a significant ranking factor for Google. Video is proven to increase conversions, with 83% of marketers reporting that it helps them generate leads. Video has also become essential throughout the sales funnel, helping sales teams connect more personally with prospects and nurture them into customers.

Appeals to Mobile Users

With 77% of people using smartphones or tablets to watch videos, mobile users are a critical audience for marketers. Mobile video consumption is more frequent, with users 1.5 times more likely to watch video on their smartphones daily than desktops. This shift to mobile has opened new opportunities for businesses to reach consumers on the go, creating content that’s easily digestible and optimized for smaller screens.

Builds Trust and Educates Consumers

Beyond entertainment, video is a powerful tool for education and trust-building. Users increasingly prefer how-to and educational videos, which help them make informed decisions about products or services. Brands can leverage videos that humanize the brand and offer:

  • Tutorials
  • Product demonstrations
  • Customer testimonials
  • Behind-the-scenes looks

Authenticity is key here, as consumers, particularly Millennials and Gen Z, prefer real, unpolished videos over highly produced content.

Influencer Marketing and Personal Connections

The growth of influencer marketing, from $9.7 billion in 2020 to an estimated $24 billion in 2024, showcases how video has revolutionized peer-to-peer influence. Brands partner with influencers to create authentic, relatable content that resonates with target audiences. In addition, video allows sales teams to form personal connections with prospects by sending tailored messages or creating videos that directly address customer concerns.

The Benefits Of Using Videos In Your Lead Generation Strategy

man with a laptop - Video for Lead Generation

Build Trust and Credibility With Video for Lead Generation

Gaining the trust of your audience is a crucial part of lead generation. When a business can earn a potential customer’s trust, they are likelier to share their personal information. Video helps build that trust by allowing companies to present their product or service authentically and relatable. This creates a personal connection that can help close the gap between faceless brands and digital customers. 

Video for Lead Generation Boosts Engagement

Video is a highly engaging medium. It captures attention more effectively than text or images, allowing businesses to communicate their message dynamically and memorably. Statistics show that 66% of consumers prefer learning about a product or service via video, making it an ideal format for lead generation campaigns. Engaging videos can keep potential leads interested longer, increasing the chances that they will take action. 

Video for Lead Generation Improves Retention Rates

You want your audience to remember your message regarding lead generation. Video is incredibly effective at ensuring this, with viewers retaining up to 95% of a message after watching a video, compared to just 10% when reading text. This high retention rate makes video great for explaining: 

  • Complex products
  • Demonstrating value
  • Ensuring your message sticks with potential leads

Videos Can Help Increase Conversions 

Videos are known to drive higher conversion rates. Using video in your lead generation strategy can guide viewers through the buyer's journey more effectively, increasing the likelihood that they will convert into leads or customers. Videos can explain the benefits of your offering, answer common questions, or even include a direct call to action, encouraging viewers to take the next step, such as signing up for a newsletter or downloading a resource. 

Video Is Versatile Across Multiple Platforms 

Videos can be repurposed across multiple platforms, from your website to social media, emails, and landing pages. This versatility makes incorporating video into different stages of your lead generation funnel easy, ensuring your message reaches a broader audience. Video content can effectively drive lead-generation efforts on various channels, whether it’s a demo video, testimonial, or educational piece. 

Video for Lead Generation Can Boost SEO 

Videos can also improve your website’s search engine ranking, making it easier for potential leads to find you. Google and other search engines favor pages with video content, increasing your visibility in search results. Plus, well-optimized video content can encourage users to spend more time on your site, boosting your SEO and lead generation potential. 

How Moonb’s Subscription Model Revolutionizes Video Marketing for Businesses

Moonb is a video marketing agency offering unlimited video editing subscriptions. We offer seamless project management integration via:

  • Trello
  • Slack
  • MS Teams 

We also have weekly strategy calls and a contract-free, full-service production approach. Moonb is a superior alternative to:

  • Traditional video agencies
  • Freelancers
  • In-house production teams

Our flexible, subscription-based model, combined with our expertise in creating compelling video content, positions us as the ideal partner for companies looking to elevate their marketing and educational initiatives through the power of video. Start a 3-day free trial to take your content to the next level.

Related Reading

10 Types Of Videos You Can Use For Lead Generation

woman on a laptop - Video for Lead Generation

1. Animated Explainers: Fun, Engaging, and Memorable

Animated explainer videos offer a fun avenue to explain intricate ideas or themes. Through vivid animations and compelling narratives, they communicate your core message, ensuring it’s both digestible and memorable for viewers. Animated videos infuse a unique charm and flair into your video outreach:

  • Start by pinpointing the central theme or message you aim to relay. 
  • Script a straightforward, concise narrative around this theme. 
  • To ensure broad accessibility, prioritize straightforward language and sidestep industry jargon. 
  • Once your script is set, collaborate with an animation expert or utilize animation software to animate your vision. 
  • Opt for visuals that underscore and elevate your core message and maintain a lively tempo to keep your audience interested.

2. Live Videos: Real-Time Engagement

Social media platforms often have alerts when a user or page does a live video. These videos attract more people and can be used to build a brand reputation. Because they happen in real-time, these videos trigger them to engage with your brand. People also have an opportunity to ask questions and provide feedback about products and services.

3. Explainer Videos: Communicate Your Why

Why are you in business? Surprisingly, it’s not to make money. While profit-making is a goal, you’re in business to solve a problem. Customers buy the “why.” Explainer videos are great for putting your “why” out there. They aim to sell a concept by explaining how a product or service makes a difference in a customer’s life in context. You’ve captured their attention if you provide enough information and explain why your prospects should be interested.

4. Product Demo Videos: Showcase the Solutions

If you have a complicated product or service, particularly in the B2B market, product demo videos help build awareness and interest with your audience. With these videos, you’re demonstrating possible uses for your product or service and how it solves their pain points.

5. Brand Awareness Videos: Humanize Your Business

A brand awareness video showcases your brand rather than promoting a product or service and helps people learn more about who you are and what you do. These videos often use storytelling to humanize their brands and evoke emotions. 

For example, you can create a video that tells your audience how you got started, what problems you’re solving, and how you’re solving them.

6. Tutorial Videos: Show Your Audience the Way

Similar to a product demo, tutorials show your audience how to solve multiple problems and best use the product or service. Ultimately, they’re buying your solution—not your product itself. Explaining the nuances of your product or service in written content can be challenging, especially if you don’t have images to accompany it. 

Producing a tutorial video is a great alternative that helps put your product in real-world scenarios.

7. Testimonial Videos: Let Your Customers Do the Talking

Customer stories and testimonials appeal to people as much as word-of-mouth recommendations. People are more likely to trust a real-life customer than a brand selling itself. Reviews done with video offer an authentic spin on your product and build trust.

8. FAQ Videos: Address Common Customer Questions

No matter the product or service you sell, your customers probably have questions—often many of the same questions. If you create an FAQ video, your audience will get answers to their pressing questions and realize that you are there for your customers, not just to make a sale.

9. Behind-the-Scenes Videos: Humanize Your Brand

Behind-the-scenes videos are a powerful tool for humanizing your brand and building a deeper connection with your audience. These videos give viewers an inside look at your company culture, the people behind your products, or the process of creating your services. They offer transparency that can foster trust and loyalty among your audience. 

Tips on creating a behind-the-scenes video:

  • When creating these videos, it’s essential to keep them authentic. 
  • Rather than staging scenes or scripting dialogue, let the natural dynamics of your team and work environment shine through. 
  • Show viewers a typical day at your office, introduce them to key team members, or take them through bringing a product to life. 
  • Behind-the-scenes videos aim not to sell but to engage and connect. 
  • Avoid turning these videos into a sales pitch. 
  • Focus on telling a compelling story about your brand and its values, and let your passion for what you do come through naturally.

10. Video Ads: Grab Attention and Generate Leads

Advertise your product or service and capture the interest of your viewers. Once they learn about your offering, ask them to share their contact information to learn more. 

13 Best Ways To Use Video For Lead Generation

man on a laptop - Video for Lead Generation

1. Embed Videos to Your Landing Pages

Where do you usually drive your audience? The answer may vary. However, landing pages are often most businesses’ primary point of contact. Your landing page is where your audience can get an overview of your product and should be optimized for conversion. Add a product demo video to your landing page to grab visitors’ attention and retain them longer. Combine the video with a contact form so visitors can leave their email addresses. 

Consider adding videos to different sections of your landing pages to emphasize and complement other content. 

2. Offer Free Tutorial Videos

When the right solutions are offered, people naturally tend to engage with a brand. Tutorials and how-to content are a great way to demonstrate your expertise in a specific topic. They enable your visitors to learn from your knowledge and familiarize themselves with your offerings. Creating free tutorial videos shows that you value your audience and want to help them through your content marketing efforts. 

It helps them make the best use of your products, and even if they’re not using your product yet, they’ll likely choose yours when they decide to do so! Before creating tutorial videos, understand what your audience needs help with. You can easily do this by looking at the search terms your audience is using. Or by asking questions in your community.

3. Create Video Case Studies

Video case studies are one of the most reliable kinds of content because they come from real user experiences. This can be way more powerful than people recommending your product on social media or your website. Why? Because video case studies won’t simply talk about the benefits of your product. Instead, it will demonstrate what people can achieve with your product and what problems they might face. Using an intro maker to have a catchy start for your video is preferable. 

Showing the solution to the problem they face at the beginning of the video can increase your users’ average watching time and overall engagement. If your case study consists of your product’s pros and cons and people still find it useful, there’s no reason they won’t want to hear from you! 

4. Share Videos on Social Media 

Videos can spread like wildfire on social media platforms. You’ll get virtually no shortage of likes, comments, and shares through social media platforms because most of them (Facebook, YouTube, TikTok, Instagram, etc) have a dedicated section for video sharing. Moreover, social media offers many tools for advertising and targeting your audience based on their interests. 

This way, you can reach the right audience to promote your product or service. Sharing valuable videos on social media will surely boost your reach, and if you’re lucky enough, your videos may also go viral! 

5. YouTube End Screens 

You can insert clickable links to other content or your channel at the end of a YouTube video. Use a call to action to encourage viewers to explore your brand. Share a link to your website; your YouTube audience will be one step closer to becoming a lead. 

6. In-video Contact Forms

If you want to get fancy, you can embed lead gen contact forms directly into your video. This is an excellent option because it’s instant and direct. You won’t lose potential leads as they navigate your site or channel. But remember that these contact forms won’t work on all platforms. 

7. Produce Video Content for YouTube 

You’re missing out on many potential leads without using YouTube for lead generation. This platform has exceptional tools for lead generation, including end screens and cards that drive your audience to other videos and encourage subscribing. 

That said, YouTube has high-performing videos, so standing out can be challenging. Your video should be creative and engaging, optimized for the platform search, and designed to hold the audience’s attention. 

8. Gate Your Video Content 

Content gating is locking your content behind a signup form. While controversial, gating video content can be a powerful way to force email signups and boost lead generation. This is why around 80% of B2B content is gated. Note that gating every video won’t work for lead generation. Doing so will rather scare off your visitors and hurt your website’s SEO. Ideally, gated content should provide 10x value to your audience. 

Only gate your video if you feel it is precious to your audience. People are always on the lookout for high-quality content that doesn’t just satisfy their needs but also adds value to their lives. If your audience values what you’re sharing and becomes interested, you’ve scored a high-quality lead who’ll potentially become a customer! 

9. Using Video to Drive Traffic to Stores 

Then there’s the traditional old form of advertising that sends viewers to your brick-and-mortar store. Except that now, these videos can be viewed online, in interactive advertising displays, or on personalized video cards.

10. Collaborations and Partnerships 

Partnering with other brands, influencers, or experts can significantly enhance video marketing. These collaborations can increase your audience, improve your reputation, and provide fresh content for your followers. When choosing a partner, look for someone with a similar audience but offers a different product or service to avoid direct competition.

For example, a skincare brand might collaborate with a fitness enthusiast to create a video about health and wellness. Once you have a partner, collaborate on content that benefits both audiences. This could include co-hosting a webinar, doing a video podcast interview, or creating a joint product demonstration. Be sure to promote the collaboration across all your marketing channels to reach a wider audience.

11. Retargeting with Video Ads 

Video ad retargeting is an effective way to reconnect with users who have previously engaged with your brand or product. This strategy helps reintroduce your brand to people who have visited your website, used your app, or interacted with your digital content, bringing them closer to making a purchase. The key to successful retargeting is its personalized approach; ads are more effective when they match the viewer’s interests and past interactions. This might mean creating different ads for specific audience groups or adjusting your message based on users’ previous activity.

Timing is just as important as the content in retargeting. You want to reach users when their interest is highest, such as right after they visit your site or leave items in their cart. Video ad retargeting becomes a powerful tool for increasing conversions by combining timely delivery with personalized content.

12. Educational Webinars 

Hosting educational webinars can establish your business as an authority in its field. These in-depth video sessions let you explore topics that resonate with your viewers, granting them valuable insights and knowledge. When you provide free, top-notch content, you attract potential customers and build trust within your community. Success in webinars doesn’t just stem from talking about what you offer. It’s essential to provide tangible value, be it solutions to challenges your audience faces, handy tips and tactics, or unique insights that stand out. 

This helps paint your brand as a dependable source and motivates viewers to connect with you more deeply. Webinars are also a fantastic tool for gathering potential leads. You can ask participants to sign up beforehand and collect their contact details. To further enhance engagement, consider hosting a Q&A segment at the webinar’s conclusion or offering additional materials (e-books or whitepapers) for attendees to download post-webinar. 

13. Behind-the-scenes and company culture videos 

Giving potential leads a glimpse into your company’s day-to-day operations and culture can help humanize your brand and showcase your employees and their expertise.

6 Best Practices For Producing Lead Generation Videos

man recording a video - Video for Lead Generation

1. Know Your Audience Inside and Out

Video is a versatile medium. The kinds of videos that connect with your target audience will have a specific tone, style, and even length. Different demographics will engage with other platforms, and having content that doesn’t mesh with the culture of your audience is the quickest way to chase potential customers away. Consider these questions: 

  • Would your ideal customer respond well to a casual, engaging tone, or are they more likely to respect a straightforward, informative clip? 
  • Are webinars and conferences viable for them, or will they get hooked on a fifteen-second TikTok? 

Learn about your audience’s interests, pain points, and preferences. This will ensure you find leads that resonate with your brand and are primed to convert.

2. Invest in High-Quality Production

There are few things more off-putting than a poorly made video. Lead generation involves connecting with people who have never heard of your company. If the video is lagging, the sound could be better, or the formatting needs to be corrected, they will forever associate your brand with poor workmanship. 

If necessary, invest in quality equipment, editing software, and a skilled videographer. This will ensure a polished final product and show that your company is professional and trustworthy.

3. Grab Attention and Keep It

Even in the business world, our attention spans are getting shorter. You must grab and keep your audience’s attention from the start. Hook them with a compelling introduction and use engaging elements to keep them interested, like: 

  • Visuals
  • Music
  • Storytelling 

Keep the length of your video in mind. Most people won’t sit through a 15- or 20-minute video, especially at the lead generation stage. Edit your content into bite-sized pieces, and once they’re invested, you can bring in longer-form videos.

4. Don’t Ask for Too Much

Don’t ask your viewers for the world. It will deter them from sharing their information. Keep it 

Simply ask for an email address or telephone number in addition to their name.

5. Don’t Forget About SEO

You want your video to be discoverable by people who are Googling for your product, right? Ensure you don’t forget about search engine optimization during your video production. Adding a transcript is a great way to improve your video’s SEO.

6. Nurture Your Leads

Don’t keep them hanging once some people have opted in to hear from you. Your leads have opted in because they are interested in your offerings. Start interacting with them regularly and nurture them down through your marketing funnel. 

Interacting with your leads at various stages of their lifecycle is possible. If you can reach out to them at the right time and with the right message, they’ll be likelier to buy your products and services. 

Maximizing Your Marketing Impact with Moonb's Subscription-Based Video Services

Do you want to take your video content to the next level? 

Moonb is a video marketing agency offering unlimited video editing subscriptions. We offer seamless project management integration via:

  • Trello
  • Slack
  • MS Teams 

We also have weekly strategy calls and a contract-free, full-service production approach. Moonb is a superior alternative to:

  • Traditional video agencies
  • Freelancers
  • In-house production teams

Our flexible, subscription-based model, combined with our expertise in creating compelling video content, positions us as the ideal partner for companies looking to elevate their marketing and educational initiatives through the power of video. Start a 3-day free trial to take your content to the next level.

Building A Video Marketing Strategy

woman on a laptop - Video for Lead Generation

Define Your Audience and Goals

Every effective video marketing strategy begins with defining your goals and audience. This step will help lay the groundwork for your video marketing strategy. First, articulate what you want to achieve with video marketing. Common goals include: 

  • Increasing brand awareness
  • Generating leads
  • Boosting sales

Get to know your audience.

  • Who are they?
  • What are their:some text
    • Demographics
    • Interests
    • Behaviors
  • What kind of video content do they prefer? 
  • Are they more likely to consume: some text
    • Short, bite-sized videos
    • Longer, in-depth content

Answering these questions will help you create video content that aligns with your business goals and resonates with your target audience. 

Select Content Types and Frequency

Once you clearly understand your goals and audience, determine the types of video content that align with both. Options include: 

  • Tutorials
  • Interviews
  • Product demos
  • Testimonials
  • User-generated content (UGC)
  • Behind-the-scenes footage

For example, educational or explainer videos may work well for industries like tech or finance, while lifestyle brands could benefit from aspirational content or customer stories. Decide how frequently you want to post based on your target platforms. For instance, platforms like TikTok and Instagram Reels often require a higher posting frequency to stay relevant, while YouTube’s algorithm may reward fewer, more in-depth videos with consistent quality. 

Choose Your Platforms

Not all platforms are created equal, and your audience’s platform preferences will play a massive role in shaping your strategy. If your audience is younger, platforms like TikTok or Instagram may be the most effective. YouTube or Facebook might be a better fit if they prefer long-form content. Mobile-first platforms like TikTok, Instagram Stories, and Reels are great for fast, engaging clips, while desktop and longer attention-span content thrive on YouTube or LinkedIn. 

Perform Keyword Research

Incorporating SEO into your video strategy is crucial for visibility. Research relevant keywords in your industry to see what your audience is searching for. Use tools to identify high-ranking keywords and topics like: 

  • Google Trends
  • YouTube’s keyword planner
  • SEMrush

This research will inform your video titles, descriptions, and content, ensuring that your videos are optimized for search engines and user intent. 

Plan for Multi-Platform Distribution

Your video content doesn’t have to live on just one platform. Repurpose your videos for multiple platforms to get the most out of each piece of content. For example, a long-form YouTube tutorial can be cut into shorter clips for: 

  • Instagram Reels
  • TikTok
  • LinkedIn

This allows you to reach different audience segments and meet them where they are. If your audience prefers shorter, more engaging content, consider:

  • Reels
  • TikTok
  • YouTube Shorts

Host full-length videos on platforms like Facebook and YouTube for more in-depth content. 

Stay Consistent with Branding

While the platform and video format may change, your brand's voice and visuals should remain consistent. Make sure each video aligns with your brand’s visual identity and messaging. This helps maintain a cohesive look and feel, ensuring that your audience easily recognizes your content no matter where they find it. 

Create a Content Calendar

A well-organized content calendar helps you stay on track and be consistent with your video output. Plot out your video ideas in advance and set specific goals for each. This keeps you accountable and gives you a bird's-eye view of your content strategy. 

Planning allows you to be more strategic with your releases, whether you're aligning them with a product launch, holiday season, or trending topic in your industry.

Related Reading

How To Choose The Right Video Production Service

man with a camera - Video for Lead Generation

Define Your Goals for Your Video Project

What do you want your video to achieve? Video content can have various goals. For example, business videos can boost sales, increase brand awareness, teach a target audience, or help with SEO. Clarifying your objectives will help guide your video production service selection process. 

Research Your Options 

Choosing the exemplary video production service for your project takes time and effort. Start by looking for companies or freelancers with a portfolio of work that aligns with your vision and goals. Consider factors such as:

  • Expertise
  • Experience
  • Style
  • Reputation in the industry

Review Samples of Their Work 

After narrowing down your options, request different types of video projects from potential video production services to assess the quality of their work. Pay attention to:

  • Production value
  • Storytelling ability
  • Overall creativity

Consider Your Budget 

Video production can be expensive, so it’s essential to determine your budget for the project early on. Inquire about pricing and package options from different video production services. Remember that higher prices don’t always guarantee better quality, so choose a service that offers value within your budget. 

Communication and Collaboration with the Video Production Service 

Choose a video production service that communicates effectively and collaborates with you throughout the process. They should listen to your:

  • Ideas
  • Provide valuable input
  • Keep you informed every step of the way

Check References and Reviews 

Ask for references or testimonial videos from past clients to gauge their satisfaction with the video production service. A reputable service should have positive reviews and a track record of delivering excellent results. 

Evaluate Capabilities and Resources 

Ensure they have the expertise and tools to effectively bring your vision to life.
Consider the video production service’s capabilities and resources, including: 

  • Equipment
  • Talent
  • Production facilities

Review Contracts and Agreements

Before committing to a video production service, review contracts or agreements carefully to understand the following: 

  • Terms
  • Deliverables
  • Timelines
  • Any additional costs involved

Related Reading

  • Best Video Production Companies
  • Video Production Team
  • Video Marketing Companies
  • How to Choose a Video Production Company
  • Video Editing Companies
  • Unlimited Video Design Services
  • Video Animation Services
  • Motion Graphics Studios
  • Video Production Trends
  • Video Editors for Hire

Start a 3-day Free Trial to Take Your Content to the Next Level

Moonb is a video marketing agency offering unlimited video editing subscriptions. We offer seamless project management integration via:

  • Trello
  • Slack
  • MS Teams 

We also have weekly strategy calls and a contract-free, full-service production approach. Moonb is a superior alternative to:

  • Traditional video agencies
  • Freelancers
  • In-house production teams

Our flexible, subscription-based model, combined with our expertise in creating compelling video content, positions us as the ideal partner for companies looking to elevate their marketing and educational initiatives through the power of video. Start a 3-day free trial to take your content to the next level.

Table of Content

Have Questions?

Can you handle the entire process?

Of course! We smoothly manage your project from the initial idea to the final publication. We take care of writing, visuals, animation, voiceover, editing, sound, branding, and more. You can participate as much as you like or let us handle everything. We'll make sure your content is perfect for any platform that supports videos.

What does the onboarding process look like?

Once you subscribe, you will receive an email within a few minutes containing two essential links. The first link directs you to our production platform where you can access all your videos and request reviews. The second link takes you to your customer portal to manage your subscription. Your dedicated video team will contact you immediately to schedule a first call, during which we'll gather all the necessary information to get started. We'll then create a content strategy plan and begin working on your productions. We will develop a content calendar with precise deliverables and a review process. You can be as involved as you wish or leave it entirely in our hands.

Are there any refunds if I don't like the service?

If your dedicated team has started work on your designs or videos before you decide to cancel, you won't be eligible for a refund.

Will I have the working files? What about ownership of the work?

Absolutely, you'll receive the working files, and you'll own all the intellectual property created.

Do you offer annual payments?

We offer annual payments equivalent to $4,500 per month. Get in touch with our team to receive a custom link.

Who will be my point of contact?

As soon as you sign up, you'll be assigned a dedicated video team, supervised by a Creative Director who will be your main point of contact. You will be onboarded to our production platform, where you can oversee the entire process and manage each video production.

Do you sign non-disclosure agreements?

Absolutely, your privacy matters to us. We can offer you our standard Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA), or you are welcome to provide your own.

How hard is it to cancel a subscription?

Not hard at all, we keep things simple: no documentation or extensive process is involved and you can cancel at any point in time. Just log in to your Moonb account and you can cancel with just a few clicks. Need a hand with this? No worries. You can request assistance via email or directly to your dedicated team.