Decipher the Ultimate Power of Video Marketing: A Guide to Production

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October 7, 2024
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14 minutes
Lorenzo Nicolini image
Lorenzo Nicolini

Video marketing production and video content creation help businesses craft promotional campaigns that leverage videos to stimulate audience engagement, boost sales, and improve brand visibility. Just like any other type of marketing, video marketing can be tricky to master. For instance, you may wonder what type of video to produce to achieve your goals. This blog will help you answer that question and many others as we explore the ins and outs of video marketing production and share tips on creating compelling video content and promoting it successfully.

As we go along, remember that Moonb is here to help you create an effective video. Moonb, a video marketing agency, can help you achieve your objectives with video production and marketing strategies. With our expert guidance, you can produce videos tailored to your goals, ensuring your content boosts your business’s visibility and achieves your targets. 

What is Video Marketing?

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Video marketing is the practice of using video content as part of your marketing strategy to promote a:

  • Brand
  • Product
  • Service
  • Message 

It effectively educates audiences, increases engagement, and enhances a brand's online presence. The videos can be used to promote products or services directly or to indirectly raise:

  • Brand awareness
  • Tell stories
  • Foster customer relationships

Boost Your Business with Video: A Guide to Successful Video Marketing

Video marketing involves creating videos that align with a company’s goals, whether to drive sales, build brand awareness, or engage customers, and then distributing them through various channels, such as websites, social media, or email campaigns. Since video marketing is data-driven, businesses must monitor metrics to assess performance and optimize future content:

  • Views
  • Shares
  • Watch times
  • Conversion rates 

Video marketing has become increasingly significant due to the Internet and social media, where videos capture audience attention and encourage engagement. It often complements other components of a marketing strategy but stands out for its ability to convey information quickly and memorably.

Related Reading

What’s Video Production In Marketing?

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Video production refers to the process of crafting visual media that communicates through the use of moving images, sound, and other multimedia elements. It conveys through:

  • Messages
  • Tells stories
  • Conveys information

The type of video content can vary, from simple smartphone recordings to professionally produced animations or films, depending on the creator's goals, audience, and available resources. This process typically involves multiple stages, such as planning, filming, editing, and distributing the videos across platforms like YouTube, Instagram, TikTok, and websites.

Video and SEO: A Winning Combo

Vodeo content has become an essential asset for businesses, brands, and individual creators who want to engage their audiences online effectively. According to a report by NogenTech, 91% of marketing departments will incorporate video content into their strategies by 2023. This massive growth in video content creation is tied to the rising demand for short-form video, popularized by platforms like:

  • TikTok
  • Instagram Reels
  • YouTube Shorts

Video has become a key component of online searches, with 62% of Google searches now including video results and 80% of those videos originating from YouTube. This trend emphasizes the importance of video in both search engine optimization (SEO) and user engagement. Whether you're an entrepreneur, marketer, or a creative individual looking to share your stories with the world, mastering the art and science of video creation is essential for success in the digital age. 

12 Different Types Of Video Content You Can Use For Marketing

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1. Brand Videos: The Introduction to Your Business

Brand videos introduce your business to potential customers. They typically include an overview of the business, mission, and culture rather than in-depth content about products or services. Most brand videos are concise, with 90 seconds considered the optimal length.

2. Explainer Videos: Showcasing Your Solutions

Explainer videos introduce products and services to potential customers. According to Wyzowl, 91% of people report watching one of these videos to learn about a product or service. Most explainer videos are short and engaging, as they work best for top-of-funnel marketing.

3. Product Demos: Highlighting Features and Benefits

Product demos show potential customers how your product or software platform works. They highlight features and capabilities to help viewers understand what they can accomplish with your product. In-depth product demos can last up to an hour. They typically include a complete overview of the product. Short product demos condense vital features into videos lasting only a few minutes. 

4. Animated Videos: Simplifying Complex Ideas

Animated videos explore challenging concepts. They use animation to simplify complex ideas and make them easier to understand. Like explainers and demos, these videos tend to be short. 

5. How-to Videos: Educating Your Audience

How-to videos show viewers how to accomplish a specific task or solve a problem using your product or service. Also called tutorials, these educational videos often include step-by-step walkthroughs with instructions. This format works as either long-form or short-form video. On average, how-to videos should be less than 20 minutes.

6. Video Podcasts: Engaging Discussions with Visuals

Video podcasts are discussions or interviews with a video component. They're episodes in a series, which can include dozens or hundreds of pieces of content on a specific topic. Podcasts can include any combination of hosts and guests. 

7. Case Studies: Letting Customers Tell Your Story 

Case studies are videos that feature interviews with customers or clients. Also called customer stories, they explore the real problems your customers face and position your product or service as the solution. Potential customers often relate to these videos, which makes them helpful for attracting leads. 

8. Webinars: Live Educational Events

Webinars are virtual events in which one or more speakers discuss a predetermined topic. They can take many formats, from simple presentations to panel discussions with multiple presenters. When you host webinars, you can engage audience members with tools like:

  • Live chat
  • Polls
  • Q&A sessions

9. Online Conferences: Large-Scale Webinars

Online conferences are educational events typically involving multiple presenters speaking on a defined topic. They're similar to in-person conferences, except they take place online. Also called virtual conferences, these events generally happen live. You can get more value from live events when you share the content on demand after the event.

10. Outreach Videos: Personalizing Sales Messages

Sales outreach videos are a type of outbound marketing. Also called prospecting videos, they introduce your product or service to a potential customer and share how it can help them solve a problem. So, how do they differ from demos or explainers? Outreach videos typically include personalization. For example, they may include a custom introduction or content tailored to the prospect.

11. Social Media Videos: Short and Sweet

Social media videos appear on platforms like:

  • Facebook
  • Instagram
  • LinkedIn 

They're typically short-form videos (under 90 seconds) optimized for mobile viewers. They can include anything from interviews and behind-the-scenes content to tips and promotions. 

12. Video Ads: Sponsored Content with a Targeted Approach

Video ads are sponsored posts on platforms like YouTube, Facebook, and LinkedIn. Most video ads include CTAs that prompt viewers to take the next step toward a conversion. They target potential customers, such as previous interactions with your business, based on the following:

  • Demographics
  • Interests
  • Behaviors

Why Use Videos In Marketing

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Video content is an indispensable element of marketing campaigns, transforming how brands communicate with audiences and driving significant business growth. Since the rise of YouTube in 2005 and its acquisition by Google in 2006, video marketing has evolved rapidly. With the accessibility of video creation tools and the ubiquity of smartphones, video is now the dominant form of communication for brands aiming to engage with modern consumers.

The pandemic further accelerated online media consumption, with video viewing surging by 215% in the U.S. Audiences in 2024 now spend an average of 17 hours per week watching videos online, underscoring the importance of incorporating video into marketing strategies. 

Video Marketing's Biggest Benefits

Encourages Social Shares

Video content is one of the most shared forms of media on social platforms. Platforms like YouTube and TikTok have thrived on video, but even platforms traditionally dominated by images and text now emphasize video, such as:

  • Instagram
  • X (formerly Twitter)
  • Pinterest

Tweets featuring videos receive ten times more engagement, and marketers increasingly use LinkedIn videos to capture attention.

Improves SEO, Boosts Conversions and Sales

Video is an effective SEO tool, helping websites rank higher on search engines. By adding video to a webpage, marketers can enhance page quality and increase visitors’ time. This is crucial, as engagement time is a significant ranking factor for Google. Video is proven to increase conversions, with 83% of marketers reporting that it helps them generate leads. Video has also become essential throughout the sales funnel, helping sales teams connect more personally with prospects and nurture them into customers.

Appeals to Mobile Users

With 77% of people using smartphones or tablets to watch videos, mobile users are a critical audience for marketers. Mobile video consumption is more frequent, with users 1.5 times more likely to watch video on their smartphones daily than desktops. This shift to mobile has opened new opportunities for businesses to reach consumers on the go, creating content that’s easily digestible and optimized for smaller screens.

Builds Trust and Educates Consumers

Beyond entertainment, video is a powerful tool for education and trust-building. Users increasingly prefer how-to and educational videos, which help them make informed decisions about products or services. Brands can leverage videos that humanize the brand and offer:

  • Tutorials
  • Product demonstrations
  • Customer testimonials
  • Behind-the-scenes looks

Authenticity is key here, as consumers, particularly Millennials and Gen Z, prefer real, unpolished videos over highly produced content.

Influencer Marketing and Personal Connections

The growth of influencer marketing, from $9.7 billion in 2020 to an estimated $24 billion in 2024, showcases how video has revolutionized peer-to-peer influence. Brands partner with influencers to create authentic, relatable content that resonates with target audiences. In addition, video allows sales teams to form personal connections with prospects by sending tailored messages or creating videos that directly address customer concerns.

The 3 Phases Of Video Production

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1. Pre-Production: Planning for Success

The pre-production phase lays the foundation for a successful video. It involves creative elements  to align with the project’s goals and objectives, such as: 

  • Brainstorming
  • Video content planning
  • Developing and refining ideas

During this stage, scripts are written, outlining the narrative and dialogue. Storyboarding is another crucial element, visualizing how a high-quality video will unfold, including shot composition and sequencing. Pre-production sets the stage for the entire project, ensuring that all aspects of the live-action video are carefully planned and organized. 

2. Production: Capturing the Action 

Once pre-production is complete, the video production phase begins. This stage focuses on capturing the audio and visual elements of the video. Attention to detail is crucial, encompassing factors like camera angles, framing, and lighting. 

High-quality audio is equally important, as clear and crisp sound enhances the viewer’s experience. Styling and special effects are implemented during video production to ensure that the video’s visual and thematic elements align with the creative vision established in pre-production. 

3. Post Production: Polishing the Final Video 

The post-production process transforms the raw footage into a polished and cohesive video. This phase uses audio editing software to integrate background music, sound effects, and voiceovers to enhance the overall auditory experience. Video editing refines the video’s appearance to achieve the desired look and feel with:

  • Color correction
  • Transitions
  • Visual effects 

Graphic elements, such as text overlays or animations, are also incorporated to convey information effectively. Post-production is the final step in combining all the elements, producing a professionally crafted video for distribution.

Building A Video Marketing Strategy

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Define Your Audience and Goals

Understanding your audience deeply is the first step in building a video marketing strategy. You should consider these questions to understand your audience:

  • What are their demographics, interests, and behaviors? 
  • Are they more likely to consume short, bite-sized videos or longer, in-depth content?

Create buyer personas to visualize your audience’s preferences, then set clear goals for your video marketing, such as increasing engagement on social media, driving traffic to your website, or improving conversion rates.

Select Content Types and Frequency

Once you clearly understand your goals and audience, determine the types of video content that align with both. Your options include:

  • Tutorials
  • Interviews
  • Product demos
  • Testimonials
  • User-generated content (UGC)
  • Behind-the-scenes footage. 

For example, educational or explainer videos may work well for industries like tech or finance, while lifestyle brands could benefit from aspirational content or customer stories. Decide how frequently you want to post based on your target platforms. For instance, platforms like TikTok and Instagram Reels often require a higher posting frequency to stay relevant, while YouTube’s algorithm may reward fewer, more in-depth videos with consistent quality.

Choose Your Platforms

Not all platforms are created equal, and your audience’s platform preferences will play a huge role in shaping your strategy. 

You should consider the following aspects in choosing what platforms to use:

  • If your audience is younger, platforms like TikTok or Instagram may be the most effective.
  • YouTube or Facebook might be a better fit if they prefer long-form content.
  • Mobile-first platforms like TikTok, Instagram Stories, and Reels are great for fast, engaging clips.
  • Desktop and longer attention-span content thrive on YouTube or LinkedIn.

Perform Keyword Research

Incorporating SEO into your video strategy is crucial for visibility. Research relevant keywords in your industry to see what your audience is searching for. To identify high-ranking keywords and topics, use tools like:

  • Google Trends
  • YouTube’s keyword planner
  • SEMrush 

This research will inform your video titles, descriptions, and content, ensuring that your videos are optimized for search engines and user intent.

Plan for Multi-Platform Distribution

Your video content doesn’t have to live on just one platform. Repurpose your videos for multiple platforms to get the most out of each piece of content. For example, a long-form YouTube tutorial can be cut into shorter clips for Instagram Reels, TikTok, or LinkedIn. This allows you to reach different audience segments and meet them where they are. 

If your audience prefers shorter, more engaging content, consider Reels, TikTok, or YouTube Shorts. For more in-depth content, use platforms like Facebook and YouTube to host full-length videos.

Stay Consistent with Branding

While the platform and video format may change, your brand's voice and visuals should remain consistent. Make sure each video aligns with your brand’s visual identity and messaging. Videos help maintain a cohesive look and feel, ensuring that your audience easily recognizes your content no matter where they find it.

Create a Content Calendar

A well-organized content calendar helps you stay on track and be consistent with your video output. Plot out your video ideas in advance and set specific goals for each. This keeps you accountable and gives you a bird's-eye view of your content strategy. Planning allows you to be more strategic with your releases, whether you're aligning them with a product launch, holiday season, or trending topic in your industry.

What Style Of Video Should I Create? 4 Styles To Choose From

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1. Lifestyle Videos: Show How Your Product Fits Into a Buyer’s Life

A lifestyle video appeals directly to your target demographic and helps them visualize how your product or service fits into their way of life. Beautiful visuals, action shots, and stunning imagery set the mood and epitomize the lifestyle you want to associate with your product. This means working to create a specific look or style for your video. You can apply the following for you to have an idea of what to show your audience:

  • If your product is modern and sleek: You’ll want a video with an elegant, minimal design, plain backgrounds, and modern accessories. 
  • If your product serves a young, high-tech demographic: You’ll want your video to showcase tech culture, young, competent actors, and functional utility. 

Think of your brand aesthetic and make sure your video follows that aesthetic. Lifestyle videos usually range between 30 seconds and two minutes and feature locations that best highlight your product’s exemplary features. 

2. Mini-Docs: Tell Compelling Stories About Your Business

Mini-documentaries are less about your brand’s visual aesthetics and focus more on expressing your company’s core value or mission statement in a documentary-style format. Your mini-doc must keep it short and sweet to make a big impression. You want to highlight excellent sound bites that tell viewers exactly who you are while maintaining their attention. This is usually accomplished through interviews with key company representatives, such as:

  • Founders
  • Employees
  • Satisfied customers. 

While feature-length documentaries have enough time to develop a complete, three-act story, mini-docs don’t. This helps you get key pieces of information to your audience in a fun and interesting way. They must establish their story by quickly answering three crucial questions: what, why, and how.

  • What is the focus of this video?
  • Why should the viewer care about this? 
  • How does your subject work? 

3. Narrative Videos: Engage Viewers With Storytelling

Narrative videos are the most recognizable video style besides animation. They use classic storytelling elements, including character building, conflict, and resolution, to tell your brand story entertainingly and engagingly. They create a journey your viewer can easily follow and relate to. Because their goal is to tell a story, narrative videos often work best at the top of the funnel when users are just learning about the problem they face, and you’re introducing your brand. 

Whether you tell the story of how your company came to be, the story of a frustrated customer finding you for the first time, or the story of a fictional hero character, your narrative should be memorable and help your brand stay on the mind of anyone who watches it. Watching should be a fun experience, so make sure you have fun writing, producing, and sharing your video. Use heavy branding and remember your company’s mission as you create it. Otherwise, the story can start to get away from you. 

4. Animation: Break Down Complex Topics and Engage Viewers  

Animated videos can engage and captivate your audience like no other. Animation is an engaging style because it can be used independently of the content in your video; almost any type of video can be made in the animation style. Animation is compelling when it comes to explaining difficult-to-understand concepts or technology. It’s also great for combining with other styles. 

You can have a lifestyle video that uses animated graphics or cutaways, or you can use it entirely alone. It’s wonderfully versatile and spices up almost any video you create. Remember that animation can be less costly to boost (no equipment, less time on set, etc.) but can take much longer because of the required technical skill per frame. Keep a pros and cons list handy before deciding whether an animation is proper for you.

How Do I Distribute My Video?

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Owned Media: Take Control of Your Video’s Distribution

Owned media refers to the platforms and marketing channels that your organization or brand controls. This includes:

  • Website
  • Blog
  • Social media profiles

Utilizing owned media allows video creators to control how and where their content is presented. It’s a valuable space for hosting production services, creating a branded experience, and engaging with your existing audience.

Earned Media: Score Goals with Organic Video Distribution

Earned media involves the organic exposure and brand visibility your high-quality content gains through word-of-mouth, social sharing, and online mentions. When individuals or groups find your content compelling, informative, or entertaining, they willingly endorse it by sharing it with their networks on social media channels, forums, or blogs. 

These organic recommendations and discussions can significantly expand your video’s reach and impact, reaching a broader and more diverse audience than you might achieve through owned or paid media alone.

Paid Media: Supercharge Your Video’s Reach With Advertising

Paid media involves investing in advertising to promote your content. Social media channels like Instagram and Facebook increasingly emphasize video, offering robust ad targeting options for reaching specific audiences. Other platforms like YouTube and TikTok have always prioritized content, making them fertile ground for earned media through:

  • Likes
  • Shares
  • Comments

YouTube is a dominant player in video marketing, with 83% of consumers favoring it for content. More than 40% of consumers have reported purchasing based on products they discovered on YouTube. Even platforms without native video uploads acknowledge the importance of video marketing. For example, tweets with videos on Twitter receive 10x more engagement, and 68% of video marketers plan to utilize LinkedIn videos this year. Pinterest is also a growing video platform, with users watching nearly a billion videos daily.

Related Reading

  • Video Production
  • Best Practices for Video Marketing
  • Corporate Video Production
  • Video Production Cost
  • Video Marketing Checklist
  • Hire Production Company
  • Video Marketing ROI
  • How Much Does Video Editing Cost
  • Freelance Animator
  • Video for Lead Generation
  • How to Hire a Video Editor

How Do I Know If My Video Is Successful?

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Measuring the success of video content creation goes beyond simply counting likes or views. It involves understanding a range of metrics that reveal how your audience interacts with your content. Key performance indicators (KPIs) are essential to deciphering the effectiveness of your video like: 

  • View count
  • Watch time
  • Engagement rates (likes, comments, shares)
  • Conversion rates 

These KPIs function like a detective kit, uncovering insights into audience behavior. For instance, watch time helps you understand how engaging your video is and whether viewers are sticking around for the whole message. Engagement metrics, such as shares and comments, indicate whether your video sparks conversation or emotionally resonates with your audience. 

Exploring Video Analytics Tools

Analytic tools help you tailor your future videos by revealing viewer preferences and demographics. It provides detailed insights into who is: 

  • Watching your video
  • Where they are from
  • How long do they engage with the content

Some examples of analytical tools are:

  • YouTube Analytics
  • Facebook Insights
  • Google Analytics 

Engagement Metrics and Their Role in Measuring Success

Engagement metrics also play a key role in measuring success. For example, comments likes, and shares provide feedback on how your audience is interacting with the video, while conversion rates show whether viewers took the desired action—whether that’s signing up for a newsletter or making a purchase. 

How to Measure Video Performance Over Time

Continuous analysis through A/B testing or surveys allows you to refine your approach, ensuring your content evolves with audience preferences and performs optimally. This is an ongoing process.

Start a 3-day Free Trial to Take Your Content to the Next Level

Moonb is a video marketing agency offering unlimited video editing subscriptions. We provide seamless project management integration via:

  • Trello
  • Slack
  • MS Teams 

We also have weekly strategy calls and a contract-free, full-service production approach.

Why Choose Moonb Over A Traditional Video Agency? 

Moonb is a superior alternative to traditional video agencies, freelancers, and in-house production teams. Our flexible, subscription-based model, combined with our expertise in creating compelling video content, positions us as the ideal partner for companies looking to boost their marketing and educational initiatives through the power of video. Start a 3-day free trial to take your content to the next level.

Related Reading

  • Best Video Production Companies
  • Video Production Team
  • Video Marketing Companies
  • How to Choose a Video Production Company
  • Video Editing Companies
  • Unlimited Video Design Services
  • Video Animation Services
  • Motion Graphics Studios
  • Video Production Trends
  • Video Editors for Hire

Table of Content

Have Questions?

Can you handle the entire process?

Of course! We smoothly manage your project from the initial idea to the final publication. We take care of writing, visuals, animation, voiceover, editing, sound, branding, and more. You can participate as much as you like or let us handle everything. We'll make sure your content is perfect for any platform that supports videos.

What does the onboarding process look like?

Once you subscribe, you will receive an email within a few minutes containing two essential links. The first link directs you to our production platform where you can access all your videos and request reviews. The second link takes you to your customer portal to manage your subscription. Your dedicated video team will contact you immediately to schedule a first call, during which we'll gather all the necessary information to get started. We'll then create a content strategy plan and begin working on your productions. We will develop a content calendar with precise deliverables and a review process. You can be as involved as you wish or leave it entirely in our hands.

Are there any refunds if I don't like the service?

If your dedicated team has started work on your designs or videos before you decide to cancel, you won't be eligible for a refund.

Will I have the working files? What about ownership of the work?

Absolutely, you'll receive the working files, and you'll own all the intellectual property created.

Do you offer annual payments?

We offer annual payments equivalent to $4,500 per month. Get in touch with our team to receive a custom link.

Who will be my point of contact?

As soon as you sign up, you'll be assigned a dedicated video team, supervised by a Creative Director who will be your main point of contact. You will be onboarded to our production platform, where you can oversee the entire process and manage each video production.

Do you sign non-disclosure agreements?

Absolutely, your privacy matters to us. We can offer you our standard Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA), or you are welcome to provide your own.

How hard is it to cancel a subscription?

Not hard at all, we keep things simple: no documentation or extensive process is involved and you can cancel at any point in time. Just log in to your Moonb account and you can cancel with just a few clicks. Need a hand with this? No worries. You can request assistance via email or directly to your dedicated team.