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Social Media Video Production

Grab your audience’s attention and make them stop scrolling.

What are social media videos, and why should you use them?

Social media videos are awesome for getting your brand or product noticed and sparking engagement in just a few seconds. Made for social platforms, they’re designed to grab attention quickly with a catchy start and look great on both mobile and web. These videos can do a lot of things, from building brand awareness and driving actions to educating your audience. Plus, they’re a game-changer—social videos get shared 1200% more than text and images combined. So, making videos for social media is now a must for any marketing plan.

Key features of a successful social media production.

  • Eye-catching visuals and a dynamic opening
  • Clear and concise messaging
  • Quick, easy-to-digest segments
  • Lively on-screen talent or entertaining characters
  • Keeping the video short and sweet—ideally under 1-2 minutes

When and how should you use social media videos?

Social media videos are great for boosting engagement, like getting more likes, comments, and shares. This interaction helps social media algorithms push your content to new audiences organically. Use these videos to showcase what your brand is about and build excitement. Just remember to keep your content fun and easy to watch—people scroll through social media for entertainment and connection, not for heavy ads.

Get in touch
testimonial image
They were capable of adapting to fast delivery deadlines.

René Ugarte - Senior Producer, MOI Global

How does Moonb create social media videos?

When you come to Moonb for social media videos, we’re not here to change your brand, we’re here to make it shine even brighter. We’ll dive into your existing content and campaigns, listen to what you want to achieve, and come up with ideas that fit your brand perfectly. Since most people scroll through their feeds with the sound off, we make sure our videos have eye-catching text on screen to keep your message clear. We also consider how your video will look in its social media space and can offer suggestions for captions and copy if you need them.

With a social media video, you can…

With a social media video, you can share captivating stories that turn viewers into loyal fans, spark fast growth through viral sharing, customize content to fit each platform’s specs and best practices, and boost all your key metrics—engagement, views, clicks, and more!

How do social media videos improve engagement?

They boost engagement with eye-catching visuals and clear messaging, encouraging audience interaction. Customizing videos for each platform enhances brand visibility and organic reach. These videos excel at storytelling, making your brand message more memorable, and can drive higher conversion rates for products, services, or educational content.

How do you measure success for a social media video?

To measure the success of a social media video, you can use the built-in analytics tools provided by the platforms. These tools let you track metrics like shares, comments, and impressions, so you can easily see how your video is doing once it's live.

Related Video Examples

Have Questions?

Can you handle the entire process?

Of course! We smoothly manage your project from the initial idea to the final publication. We take care of writing, visuals, animation, voiceover, editing, sound, branding, and more. You can participate as much as you like or let us handle everything. We'll make sure your content is perfect for any platform that supports videos.

What does the onboarding process look like?

Once you subscribe, you will receive an email within a few minutes containing two essential links. The first link directs you to our production platform where you can access all your videos and request reviews. The second link takes you to your customer portal to manage your subscription. Your dedicated video team will contact you immediately to schedule a first call, during which we'll gather all the necessary information to get started. We'll then create a content strategy plan and begin working on your productions. We will develop a content calendar with precise deliverables and a review process. You can be as involved as you wish or leave it entirely in our hands.

Are there any refunds if I don't like the service?

If your dedicated team has started work on your designs or videos before you decide to cancel, you won't be eligible for a refund.

Will I have the working files? What about ownership of the work?

Absolutely, you'll receive the working files, and you'll own all the intellectual property created.

Do you offer annual payments?

We offer annual payments equivalent to $4,500 per month. Get in touch with our team to receive a custom link.

Who will be my point of contact?

As soon as you sign up, you'll be assigned a dedicated video team, supervised by a Creative Director who will be your main point of contact. You will be onboarded to our production platform, where you can oversee the entire process and manage each video production.

Do you sign non-disclosure agreements?

Absolutely, your privacy matters to us. We can offer you our standard Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA), or you are welcome to provide your own.

How hard is it to cancel a subscription?

Not hard at all, we keep things simple: no documentation or extensive process is involved and you can cancel at any point in time. Just log in to your Moonb account and you can cancel with just a few clicks. Need a hand with this? No worries. You can request assistance via email or directly to your dedicated team.