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Video Series Production

Strengthen your brand by creating a series of videos that fit into a broader campaign or content plan.

What is a video series, and why use one?

A video series is a set of related videos created with a unified goal in mind, typically consisting of three or more installments. These videos are crafted to appeal to both existing and potential customers. A well-executed series lets you go beyond merely selling a product or service; it helps you connect with a broader audience, simplify complex industry topics, and boost engagement with your brand.

When and how should I use a video series?

Often times, a video series is created after explainer videos, testimonial videos, and other tutorial content has been well established. t’s important to roll out your business video series through channels where you expect to see repeat traffic. That way, the series is consumed consistently by the same audience. Publish your series via social during a key business initiative and add value to your followers. For example, share a video series on how to properly file your taxes during the early part of the year. Or include the videos on your blog—or a separate website—and add more content around the topic(s) that the series explores.

Get in touch
testimonial image
My team really enjoyed working with Moonb and found the experience pretty seamless.

James Pais - Creative Services Director, Frame

How does Moonb create a video series?

At Moonb, we start by brainstorming concepts and visual styles that are scalable and strategic. We then plan the production in stages, with each episode progressing through different phases. For instance, we might start with animations for the first episode, move to style frames for the second, and use storyboards for the third. This staggered approach ensures we stay on track while giving each episode the attention it needs, allowing for a smooth, rolling release of your video series.

Benefits of a Video Series

A video series offers several benefits: tailored content that personalizes videos for each stage of the sales cycle for maximum impact, enhanced performance and engagement through targeted videos, consistent style that strengthens brand recognition, and the ability to engage viewers with ongoing themes or characters, building a stronger audience connection.

Why invest in a video series for your brand?

A video series can significantly boost your brand’s visibility and engagement. With more than half of consumers craving additional video content from brands, a series keeps viewers hooked with ongoing stories. Tailoring videos for different sales stages drives better conversions, while consistent branding strengthens your identity.

How can you determine if a video series is successful?

To measure the success of a video series, track key engagement metrics like views, likes, and comments. Comparing these figures to other content on the same channels helps you gauge how well your series is performing.

Related Video Examples

Have Questions?

Can you handle the entire process?

Of course! We smoothly manage your project from the initial idea to the final publication. We take care of writing, visuals, animation, voiceover, editing, sound, branding, and more. You can participate as much as you like or let us handle everything. We'll make sure your content is perfect for any platform that supports videos.

What does the onboarding process look like?

Once you subscribe, you will receive an email within a few minutes containing two essential links. The first link directs you to our production platform where you can access all your videos and request reviews. The second link takes you to your customer portal to manage your subscription. Your dedicated video team will contact you immediately to schedule a first call, during which we'll gather all the necessary information to get started. We'll then create a content strategy plan and begin working on your productions. We will develop a content calendar with precise deliverables and a review process. You can be as involved as you wish or leave it entirely in our hands.

Are there any refunds if I don't like the service?

If your dedicated team has started work on your designs or videos before you decide to cancel, you won't be eligible for a refund.

Will I have the working files? What about ownership of the work?

Absolutely, you'll receive the working files, and you'll own all the intellectual property created.

Do you offer annual payments?

We offer annual payments equivalent to $4,500 per month. Get in touch with our team to receive a custom link.

Who will be my point of contact?

As soon as you sign up, you'll be assigned a dedicated video team, supervised by a Creative Director who will be your main point of contact. You will be onboarded to our production platform, where you can oversee the entire process and manage each video production.

Do you sign non-disclosure agreements?

Absolutely, your privacy matters to us. We can offer you our standard Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA), or you are welcome to provide your own.

How hard is it to cancel a subscription?

Not hard at all, we keep things simple: no documentation or extensive process is involved and you can cancel at any point in time. Just log in to your Moonb account and you can cancel with just a few clicks. Need a hand with this? No worries. You can request assistance via email or directly to your dedicated team.